Tag Archives: chances

Q&A: What are the chances that my Dad will make it through Lung Cancer?

Question by : What are the chances that my Dad will make it through Lung Cancer? I found out 3 days ago that my Dad has Lung Cancer. He said he has been feeling this pain for about 3 months … Continue reading

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What are the chances of getting lung cancer after 30 years of being smoke free?

Question by Made_in_America: What are the chances of getting lung cancer after 30 years of being smoke free? My father is 80 and has not smoked for 30 years. He was just diagnosed with Small Cell lung cancer and will … Continue reading

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Q&A: what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old?

Question by Crystal: what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old? what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old if she is around smoke all the time.. like if her … Continue reading

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New Mesothelioma Research – What Are My Survival Chances?

New Mesothelioma Research – What Are My Survival Chances? The survival rate for mesothelioma patients about twenty years ago was less than one year from the time of diagnosis, but with early detection and aggressive treatment mesothelioma patients are living … Continue reading

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What are the chances and signs of lung cancer?

Question by !Waffle Bear!: What are the chances and signs of lung cancer? I want to know because my mom smoked in the house with me since i was like 3! I try not to worry but when I go … Continue reading

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What are my chances of getting Lung Cancer?

Question by Sarah: What are my chances of getting Lung Cancer? I am 18 years old, ive been smoking ciggarettes since i was 14, ive had asthma since i was 4 and my uncle died when he was 22 of … Continue reading

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What are the chances of my mother not being affected by lung cancer?

Question by I secretly hate my sister: What are the chances of my mother not being affected by lung cancer? My mom has been a smoker since she was about 16. She’s now 38. For the past few years, she’s … Continue reading

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What are the chances of me getting lung cancer?

Question by : What are the chances of me getting lung cancer? I’m twelve and my mom and her bf both smoke cigarettes and weed so what are the chances of me getting lung cancer? Best answer: Answer by Beauch12,000% … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer Survival Rate – Your Prognosis And Chances To Recover From Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Survival Rate – Your Prognosis And Chances To Recover From Lung Cancer Article by Jim G. Lung cancer survival rate refers to the part of victims who were able … Continue reading

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What are my chances of getting lung cancer?

Question by LifeInMyHands: What are my chances of getting lung cancer? My mom and uncle smoke twenty-four-seven, I’ve been around it since I was born, I’m fourteen-years-old, it’s always in my face, and it’s all second-hand. What are my chances … Continue reading

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