Q&A: lung cancer?

Question by pinky L: lung cancer?
how do i know if i have lung cancer??..im 16 years old..im affraid that i might get lung cancer..what are the ways to know if i have lung cancer??..if so..do i need to go for surgery or remove it??..
i don’t smoke
i had a flu and cough last six weeks..im ok now..but im still coughing this pass six weeks..
and my throat is kind of itchy
sometimes..my upper breast hurts..

Best answer:

Answer by mlgable
The only way to know if you have lung cancer is to get x-rays at the doctors office and then further testing if they see anything on the see anything on the x-ray. They do surgery and/or chemo or radiation if you do have cancer.

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Mesothelioma Treatment Overview

Mesothelioma Treatment Overview

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with asbestos related cancer, or mesothelioma, finding the best treatment becomes a top priority. However, understanding a complex medical condition can be difficult, especially with a rare disease such as mesothelioma.  Making matters worse is the relatively low survival rate of patients diagnosed with the disease.

While your cancer treatment decisions should be made under the guidance of a physician familiar with the specific details of your condition, the following can serve as an overview to familiarize yourself with some of the options available.

You have choices in mesothelioma treatment

There are many options for treating mesothelioma, and as research progresses, new treatments are being developed all the time. Here are three of the most commonly used asbestos cancer treatment options and some of the pros and cons of each.


Surgery is often the first choice for people with asbestos cancer in its earliest stages as removing the source of the cancer may help with other treatment options.  However since asbestos related disease often manifests itself in the lining of the lung cavity, the surgical option can involve the removal of an entire lung or just a portion of the lung.  This is a very invasive procedure and can have many types of inherent risks and as such, can be difficult for patients in poor health and is usually reserved for those whose health is stronger.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy was not a popular treatment for mesothelioma because it traditionally could only target specific areas, and asbestos cancer usually does not manifest itself in that way. However, recent advancements have made radiation therapy a more viable option for mesothelioma patients as lasers can be aimed more accurately.

Using a concentrated beam to target cancerous cells, radiation tries to destroy those cells so that the cancer will not spread.  Radiation therapy can be used in conjunction with other therapies including surgery.


Chemotherapy is another option for asbestos cancer patients, and can be used at all stages of the cancer although it is not curative.  Chemotherapy can be used to shrink tumors in preparation for surgery, or after surgery, to attack those diseased cells that were not removed during the procedure.

Recent trials are investigating a different method of delivering the drugs directly to the lungs to improve the effectiveness of this treatment.

While these are three of the most common therapies offered for patients with mesothelioma, they are not a comprehensive list of the available options. New types of treatment including photodynamic therapies, targeted drugs with fewer side effects, and blood testing, are being refined and brought to market. Consult with your mesothelioma specialist to determine the optimal treatment for yourself or your loved ones.

The Louisiana asbestos attorneys at Landry & Swarr can help you learn more about current mesothelioma treatments as well as provide legal advice and guidance during this difficult time. Landry and Swarr specialize in mesothelioma litigation and have years of experience in this particular area of the law.

Article from articlesbase.com

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Lung Cancer Statistics 2009

Lung Cancer Statistics 2009

I have gathered the cancer research news from Google and National Cancer Institute. Lung Cancer Statistics 2009Below are some of the new findings of cancer treatment which I found really benefits to the world.

1. New Cancer Treatment without Surgery

On the 27th of January 2009, U.T.’s Health Science Centre unveiled a new promising cancer treatment that revolutionized the way to treat cancerous tumors in patients’ lungs. After mild sedation, a catheter is inserted into patients’ throat and the lung near to the tumor. Radiation is released from a small seed at the end of the catheter and killed the tumor cells without killing the normal lung tissue. Therefore, the patient can still live normally after treatment. It only takes 3 to 4 minutes to undergo this treatment and the patient can leave the hospital a short time later without feeling sick.

2. Machine Boots Cancer Treatment

On 12th of June 2009, a new machine that can speed up cancer treatment for cancer patients has been unveiled. This machine enables an extra 200 radiotherapy cancer treatments to be carried out every week. It generates high intensity of radiation beams to kill cancer cells effectively.

3. CD8+ Memory Stem Cells to Destroy Large Tumors

On 14th of June 2009, the researchers at the National Cancer Institute found that a subset of immune cells, T lymphocytes called CD8+ memory stem cells, were capable of mediating strong anti-tumor immune response. These stem-like characteristics of CD8+ memory stem cells enable tiny numbers of T cells to stimulate the destruction of large melanoma tumors. The CD8+ memory stem cells have the enhanced ability to renew themselves, to proliferate, to differentiate and to kill tumor cells effectively.

4. ?-CbT – Compound Inhibited Nicotine Receptors for Cancer Treatment

On 15th of June 2009, the compound ?-CbT was found to inhibit the expression of nicotine receptors and increased apoptosis. As we all know, changes in genes encoding nicotine receptors can drive the urge to smoke and increase susceptibility to lung cancer as well. Exposure to nicotine will boost the expression of nicotine receptors which inhibits the apoptosis. Therefore, this new cancer treatment that targeted nicotine receptors by using ?-CbT can prevent the developing of lung cancer. The ?-CbT did not affect the noncancerous cells.

5. microRNA – Help Identify and Cancer Treatment for Lung Cancer

On 7th of October 2009, the scientists at National Cancer Institute revealed that a small RNA molecule, known as microRNA, can help to identify liver cancer and respond well to cancer treatment with a biological agent called interferon. The researchers showed that miR-26 (microRNA) status in tumors may be useful indicator both to determine prognosis for patients with hematocelular carcinoma (HCC) and to inform the selection of patients who might benefit from treatment with interferon to prevent disease relapse.

Lung Cancer Secrets Revealed Click here

6. Suicide Gene – Induce Apoptosis on Tumor cells

On 9th of October 2009, A group of researchers from National Cancer Institute have used the suicide genes that cause a cell to kill itself through apoptosis to treat cancer. This new technique used the surviving gene promoter to induce the expression of suicide gene in cancer cells with a minimum effect on normal cells. When the survivin promoter-driven mutant bax was injected in to tumors of mice, the gene induced 60% of cancer cells in tumor tissue to undergo apoptosis. This slowed tumor growth significantly.

7. Reduce Radiation Damage by Blocking the Expression of CD47

On 21st of October 2009, the researchers at National Cancer Institute once again showed their contribution to the cancer research by developing a method that protects healthy tissues from damaging effects of radiation cancer treatment. Previous cancer research showed that mice lacking CD47 are resistant to radiation damage. Therefore, the researchers injected an agent that suppressed the CD47 expression during the radiation. They proved that this can protect the normal cells from damage by radiation.

8. Nicotine Patch and Nicotine Lozenge Works Best for Smoking Cessation

On 2nd of November 2009, the researchers from National Cancer Institute showed that the combination of nicotine patch and nicotine lozenge provided the great benefit for smokers to quit smoking effectively.

9. PDF – Mushroom Extract that Shrink Tumors Effectively

On 1st of December 2009, Dr. Brandon Louie and colleagues from Department of Urology at New York Medical College showed that a combination of interferon alpha (immunotherapy for bladder cancer) and PDF (mushroom extract) can reduce bladder cancer cell growth. However, it is too soon to claim that the PDF are a cure for cancer as the study provides no evidence that the mushrooms extract have health benefits in humans. Anyway, I still feel that this study has the further research value for cancer treatment in future.

10. Lunasin – Fighting Leukemia and Blocking Inflammation

On 2nd of December 2009, Elvira de Mejia, a professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition from University of Illinois claimed that lunasin, a soy peptide may have important benefits that fighting leukemia and blocking the inflammation that accompanies such chronic health conditions as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Lunasin is a soy peptide often discarded in the waste streams of soy-processing plants.

In conclusion, the cancer research on cancer treatment is still has a long way to go. The cancer research will continue to carry out to provide the greatest benefits to the world.

Do you know any new discovery of cancer treatment in 2009 that I do not mentioned above? Please leave your comment to provide us a great resource of information.

lung cancer treatment breakthroughs Click here

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Types of Mesothelioma Cancer

Types of Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer that affects the serous membranes surrounding the major organs of the body i.e. the lungs, heart and the abdominal organs, causing these vital organs to inflate with excessive fluid. This fluid further causes the improper functioning of the organs. The only known cause of this cancerous tumor is asbestos exposure. In this disease, malignant cells are built up in the protective linings (serous membranes) of several internal organs known as mesothelium. Different organs in the abdomen cavity can get affected by mesothelioma because of the presence of the protective linings surrounding them. The most common types of mesothelioma include:

* Pleural Mesothelioma,

* Peritoneal Mesothelioma, and

* Pericardial Mesothelioma.

Pleural Mesothelioma:

Pleural Mesothelioma is a tumor in which the lining of the lungs, or lung pleura, gets affected by malignant cells. The pleura is a soft protective tissue that surrounds the lungs in the chest cavity. It helps the lungs in breathing (respiration) by producing a serous fluid that lubricates the pleural surfaces to avoid the teasing of the lungs against the chest wall. The malignant cells, once entered the pleura, begin to spread and affect the surrounding organs and tissues. This leads to further complications resulting pain and severe symptoms.

Mesothelioma affecting pleura is of two categories:

Diffused or Malignant (Cancerous):

It is the serious form of pleural mesothelioma that affects the pleural lining of the lungs and its surrounding organs.

Localized and Benign (Non-cancerous):

It is the non-cancerous form of mesothelioma, which does not affect all parts of the body except the pleura. However, it constricts the lung causing shortness of breath, and in some severe cases, pneumothorax (lung failure).

Peritoneal Mesothelioma:

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a tumor of the peritoneum membrane or the abdomen lining, affecting many organs in the abdominal cavity including stomach. This form of mesothelioma cancer is less common than the pleural form but is more aggressive, resulting severe symptoms and short life expectancy. Like many other cancers, peritoneal mesothelioma can also be either malignant or benign.

Pericardial Mesothelioma:

Pericardial or Pericardium Mesothelioma is the rarest form of cancer, counting less than 10% of mesothelioma cases. In this form of cancer, fluid gets accumulated in the sac that encloses the heart. The main cause of this disease is the inhalation of asbestos fibers.

Due to the rarity of this disease, doctors and researchers have not clearly understood how the asbestos fibers enter the heart lining or pericardium. The only logical explanation so far about this form of cancer is the possibility of the asbestos fibers, converted into tiny pieces, transported from the lung into the heart by means of blood circulation. Once the asbestos fibers enter the heart, they expand the tissues in the chest cavity and the pericardium with excessive liquid, disrupting the working of the heart and causing chest pains with breathing disorders.

Each year, approximately 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed. At some point of their lives, the patients of mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos that later cause the hideous cancer of mesothelioma. If you, at some point of your life, have worked in an asbestos-rich environment or used any asbestos materials, you should contact a mesothelioma doctor for correct diagnosis and best treatment options available.

For more information on mesothelioma and its related topics, go to: www.mesoblog.org.

Article from articlesbase.com

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Q&A: Lung cancer?

Question by Lilaznboi2011: Lung cancer?
Just recently my grandma had caught pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. She was lucky that she had no fluids in her lungs when they took X-Ray of her chest. So she got discharged 2 days later with some antibiotics, but 2 days later, the doctor called and said that they had found something small in her lungs and it might be a tumor. She just recently got a CT scan and went for checkup but still havent gotten results. The doctor said she might have to go get a biopsy to see if it’s cancer or not.

Ok so here’s what I’m wondering, is there a slight possibility that it could be lung cancer or something that has to do with the lungs? She has never smoked before in her life.

Some information would be nice.

Best answer:

Answer by IHTFP
Just because one does not smoke does not make them invunerable to cancer. There are many possible risk factors for lung cancer, and there is almost always a possiblity that it is cancer. Stay calm, in the event that it is a tumor, detecting this cancer now is much, much better than waiting for other symptoms to manifest, and for the cancer to spread.

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Information on Types and Treatment of Lung Cancer

Information on Types and Treatment of Lung Cancer

Article by Peterhutch

Cancer is a disease in which certain body cells don’t function right, divide very fast, and produce too much tissue that forms a tumor. The lungs, a pair of sponge-like, cone-shaped organs, are part of the body’s respiratory system. When we breathe in, the lungs take in oxygen, which our cells need to live and carry out their normal functions. When we breathe out, the lungs get rid of carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of the body’s cells.

Lung cancers manifest with symptoms produced by the primary tumor, locoregional spread, metastatic disease, or ectopic hormone production. See Image 1 for a summary of all signs and symptoms. Approximately 7-10% of patients with lung cancer are asymptomatic and their cancers are diagnosed incidentally after a chest radiograph (CXR) performed for other reasons. The symptoms produced by the primary tumor depend on its location (ie, central, peripheral).

There are two main types of lung cancer, small cell and non small cell. Small cell is faster growing but chemo is quite successful with it… I know several people that are presently N.E.D. (no evidence of disease) that have small cell lung cancer. Its very rare to have surgery with small cell as its usually metastized by the time of diagnosis.

Every smoker is at risk for lung cancer. It is estimated that 87% of all cases of lung cancer are caused by cigarette smoking. The major risk factor for lung cancer is cigarette smoking. Your risk of getting lung cancer from cigarette smoking increases the longer you smoke, the more you smoke, and the deeper you inhale. Smoking low tar cigarettes does not prevent you from getting lung cancer. Importantly, if you quit smoking, your risk of getting lung cancer declines.

Tobacco use, particularly cigarette smoking, is the single most preventable cause of death in the United States. The number of deaths per year from smoking exceeds the number of deaths per year from all accidents, suicides, drug use, homicides and AIDS combined. An estimated 45 million U.S. adults are smokers, and more than a third of all U.S. high school students smoke cigarettes.

Normal cells become cancer cells because the genes inside them are damaged. In most cases of lung cancer, smoking causes this gene damage. Cancer Research UK is investigating this gene damage. We are researching why some smokers get cancer and some don’t. If we know more about the genes that are damaged, it may help prevent the disease in the future.

Women with lung cancer now have more treatment choices and hope than ever before. Doctors keep finding ways to improve treatments for lung cancer and ways to help women with lung cancer have better lives. We are continually learning more about lung cancer, its prevention, detection, and treatment. This section of CancerSource will discuss all of these areas. The Lung Cancer section below discusses what we know about lung cancer in general, as well as its prevention and detection.

As is true of many cancers, the treatment of lung cancer depends upon a variety of factors. The most important factors are the histopathologic (diseased tissue) type of tumor that is present and its stage.

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Overcoming the odds: Curing pleomorphic type mesothelioma

Overcoming the odds: Curing pleomorphic type mesothelioma

Article by Nathalie Fiset

Given the increasing number of types of cancer, one can never escape the hazards of the world. Cancer normally occurs when a person is exposed to harmful substances for an extended period of time. This is true when you have cancer known as pleomorphic type mesonthelioma. Having this disease means that you have a malignant tumor originating from mesenchyman. A large portion of the tumor grows into adipose tissue. Parts of the body commonly attacked by pleomorphic type mesothelioma include the leg, shoulders, gluteal region and the retroperitoneum.

Tumors are normally seen as lump masses inside the body.CHECK YOURSELF

It is not easy to diagnose plemorphic type mesonthelioma. There is no specific screening for plemorphic type mesonthelioma. People who have a high risk of developing mesothelioma should be checked for regular period of time in order to spot mesothelioma at the earliest stage possible so get checked as frequently as possible. There are some signs and symptoms the doctors watch out to get further tests to confirm plemorphic type mesonthelioma. Pain, swelling tenderness to any area and a possible lump are the common complaints that are considered.

A simple blood test can be performed to evaluate a person’s general health. If doctor suspects that the person may have plemorphic type mesonthelioma, the person may have abdominal x-ray, abdominal CT scan or abdominal MRI scans to check and confirm for swelling and fluid accumulation in the abdomen. Abdoparacentsis or fluid drainage from the abdomen can be performed to alleviate the swelling and pain around the abdomen and to see if there are malignant or cancerous cells in the fluid. Laparoscopy or biopsy of the abdominal lining or peritoneum may be done, wherein they get a tissue sample of the abdominal lining and check if the mesothelial cells are damaged by cancer.

If these tests confirm that one has plemorphic type mesonthelioma, it will now be determine if it has spread to other parts of the body. This is called staging or determining the gravity of the cancer itself. This process is very important to determine what action or treatment will be done. A PET scan may be done to see how the cells are working. PET stands for positron emission tomography. This is done if the mesothelioma is treatable through surgery. This shows the extent of spread of the cancer cells to the other parts of the body like the lymph nodes and other organs.


No matter what sickness you have there is a specialist out there who can help you find the proper cure even if it is for plemorphic type mesonthelioma. After the diagnosis and determining the gravity of the mesothelioma, treatment is done and there are different doctors that facilitate the treatment of the mesothelioma.

If the mesothelioma is treatable via surgery, the services of a thoracic surgeon may be needed. The thoracic surgeon is trained and is specialized to do surgeries of the lung, heart, chest and esophagus. If a patient has been diagnosed with plemorphic type mesonthelioma and it has been decided that the best treatment is surgery, then this physician is the one qualified to do the job.

Here are some doctors you should approach for your problems.

The Medical Oncologist is a physician specialized to render chemotherapy if it has been determined that the best treatment for the mesothelioma is through chemotherapy. This physician has the extensive knowledge and skills of the treatment modalities of cancer specifically chemotherapy.

The Radiation Oncologist is a physician specialized to render radiation therapy if it has been determined that the best treatment for the mesothelioma is through radiation therapy. This physician has the extensive knowledge and skills and is highly trained to administer radiation therapy to treat the plemorphic type mesonthelioma.

The pathologist is a physician who specializes in analyzing cells. This doctor has the extensive skill and knowledge and is highly trained to monitor and evaluate the significant cell changes that may point to mesothelioma. They analyze the cells through the specimens that are brought to them such as the blood, fluid obtained from the abdomen or lung, or tissues from the mesothelium. They interpret the changes and they are the ones responsible to spot damaged mesothelial cells by cancer or the mesothelioma.

No matter what happens always have faith that these doctors are doing their best to help you recover from pleomorphic type mesothelioma or any type of mesothelioma for that matter.

About the Author

For more information on mesothelioma and lung cancer, please go to:http://mymesotheliomacancer.com/?page_id=623http://mymesotheliomacancer.comhttp://www.drnathaliefiset.com

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Which type of Complications Caused by Lung Cancer?

Which type of Complications Caused by Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer, like all cancers, results from an abnormality in the body is the basic unit of life cell. Normally, the body maintains a system of checks and balances on cell growth so that cells divide to produce new cells only when new cells are needed.

Lungs is also very common site for metastasis from tumors in other parts of the body. Tumor metastases are made from the same cell type as the original (primary) tumor. For example, if prostate cancer spreads to the blood vessels in the lungs is metastatic prostate cancer in the lung is not lung cancer and specifically for any location like we can say Lung Cancer Treatment Florida. We found services from there also with any of location with are specialists in lung cancer.

There are different types of lung cancer which are like this:

small lung cancer (SCLC)
non-small lung cancer (NSCLC)

Lung, also known as bronchogenic carcinoma. This classification is based on the microscopic appearance of the tumor cells themselves. These two types of cancer grow and spread in different ways and may have different treatment options, so the difference between the two types is important. People find out treatment of lung cancer when they founded any causes in cancer.

What causes lung cancer?

Tobacco smoke is a major cause of lung cancer. Although nonsmokers can get lung cancer, the risk is about 10 times greater for smokers and also to increase the number of cigarettes smoked daily.

If you are a heavy smoker consuming more than 20 cigarettes daily, the risk of causing lung cancer is about 30 to 40 times higher than if you smoke.

Symptoms of lung cancer include:

Chronic cough.
Worsening shortness of breath.
Weight loss.
Excessive fatigue.
Persistent chest pain or elsewhere, (possibly from the cancer spreads to the bone).
symptoms may be due to the original tumor in the lung or the effects of secondary tumors elsewhere in the body
One of the major symptoms of lung cancer is coughing up blood or haemoptysis. This can sometimes occur as an early warning sign of cancer that can be cured. Any person who coughs in the blood should see their GP for advice on how urgently lung cancer must be considered, especially if that person is a smoker over 40 years.

We can find out lung cancer treatment from specialist of lung cancer. Lung cancer treatment has different symptoms. For that treatment center give us special treatment like lung cancer surgery. Now days there are treatment available for lung cancer and also different lung cancer clinic available in most of countries.

Article from articlesbase.com

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Lung Cancer?

Question by C B: Lung Cancer?
My mother in-law had breast cancer in 03 she under went the surgery and chemo treatments and was cancer free, so she thought she requested a PET scan as she works at the Cleveland Clinic and knows that they are very good at finding cancer cells. Her scan came back with finding a small cell in her lung; she had breast cancer in the right breast very aggressive type and now a spot in her left Lung she does not smoke. Now we wait and see if this is a new cancer cell or if this is metastasized from her breast cancer. Everything I have read only give a 5yr mark for life she has had no symptoms of lung cancer and this was very unexpected to find. Does anyone have and information on this type of cancer?

Best answer:

Answer by Doc2
Cancer cures are measured as five years. A late relapse can occur.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Diagnosis Mesothelioma – Tips On Diagnosis Mesothelioma And safety At Workplace

Diagnosis Mesothelioma – Tips On Diagnosis Mesothelioma And safety At Workplace

Article by Pius Ephenus

Diagnosis mesothelioma is a scary subject you don’t want to talk or hear about. It is a heart wrenching news for you and your family. But fortunatelly, over the years scientist has been able through research to detect and treat mesothelioma. There are a lots sites online filled with helpful informations. There are also support groups and help mechanisms put in place for every stage of this dreadful disease. Mesothelioma disgnosis does not guaranteed a grim prognisis; therefore, in most cases early detection of the disease as with any cancer is important so that it can be treated early.

Simply put, the diagnosis of mesothelioma is the first step on a road to discovery. There are many websites to aid in the publics’ research of mesothelioma and the warning signs that lead to early diagnosis and subsequently the blessing of early treatment. It is common to treat a diagnosis of mesothelioma with surgery and chemotherapy or surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Mesothelioma is also known as the asbestos cancer. Mesothelioma shows subtle variations from asbestosis or asbestos pleural disease. Regardless it is highly recommended if you have worked around asbestos in anyway or form that you are checked for mesothelioma on a regular basis. Early diagnosis is imperative. Some of the varied warning signs include shortness of breath as well as pain in the lower back or pain at the side of the chest. Others signs may include hoarseness, difficulty swallowing or sweating and fevers.

Prognosis defers significantly among people that have been disgnosed with mesothelioma and this depends on a number of factors. These causes have a significant impact on the speed of recovery; the size of the cancer, what part of the body it is found, and how far it has spread. And also, how the cancer cells looks under the microscope, and their respond to treatment as well as the age of the patients has direct bearings on recovery time.

There are legal issues involved with a diagnosis of mesothelioma. There are several lawsuits against companies whose employees were exposed to asbestos. These are definitely matters to be researched if you are among the individuals who qualify involvement in a lawsuit. If you are uncertain whether you qualify, you can simply fill out an online form and an attorney will be happy to talk with you. It is not necessary but there are good reasons to acquire an attorney who is knowledgeable in mesothelioma litigation.

There are speciality lawyers and law firms for mesothelioma cases. Most of these specialized attorneys have an impressive settlement record and successes in obtaining verdicts in the courtroom as opposed to settlements out of court. As in most cases, there is money to be dispersed though the monetary value of the settlements are not as important as the impact lawsuits like these will eventually make in the safety issues surrounding workplaces where potentially harmful chemicals can be inhaled or absorbed into peoples bodies.

About the Author

Pius is the owner of waystoquitsmokingeasy.com. We specialize in offering high quality ways to quit smoking, acne treatment, women health, weight loss, nutrition, mental health, and how to make mesothelioma claim informations. visit us for more.

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