Q&A: How long will i take to develop lung cancer?

Question by smartypants: How long will i take to develop lung cancer?
I had i puff of my cuz cigarette’s (3).I didn’t smoke the whole things tho. I just wanted to know if it likely 4 me to get lung cancer?! I am NEVER touching another one in my life because i don’t wont lung cancer! plzzz help.

Best answer:

Answer by iceman
Cmon, get real.A puff of a cig does NOTHING you. You get that many toxins just by breathing in a big city.

90% of people with lung cancer are people that smoked heavily for more then 20 years.In most cases 30-40 years even. Heavy smoking means multiple cigs everday.

It is good that you say you will never touch one again though. Because a puff can turn in a bait very quickly. And before you know you have been smoking most of your life.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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