Q&A: How often do you have to smoke tobacco in order to get lung cancer?

Question by blah b: How often do you have to smoke tobacco in order to get lung cancer?
For example, how much does an average person have to smoke to get lung cancer (one pack a day for 10 years? one pack a month for 40 years, etc.)

I need this information for a school report I’m writing on the affects of various drugs, so please provide links to anywhere you might have gotten your facts from, thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Nora Explora
There is no pat answer to this question. Every person is different in what their body will tolerate. This has been a tobacco co. promotion point because some celebrates like George Burns smoked cigars all his life and lived to be 100. On the other hand, John Wane was taken all too soon and was very public about tobacco being the cause.

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