Q&A: is it possible to have serious lung disease or cancer and still be able to do rigorous cardio?

Question by yodez: is it possible to have serious lung disease or cancer and still be able to do rigorous cardio?
I have been having a stinging feeling in the right lung area, i do smoke about five cigarettes a day and i used to smoke alot of marijuana. I say to myself that nothing could really be wrong if i can withstand a four mile run, and half a mile swim, plus stationary bycyle almost daily. I had a chest xray last year which showed no disease. Would i have this kind of cardiovascular endurance and still have lung cancer or lung disease caused by smoking?

Best answer:

Answer by oracle
Depends what stage the lung cancer-in the very beginning,the early stages yes you could. Since for any tumor,cyst etc to be picked up on a X-Ray has to be a certain size why not spend some money and get a PetScan which is a test to find cancer anywhere in the body and it too has to be a certain size to be detected but much,much smaller than required by a X-Ray.Has to be ordered by your Physician , usually done as outpatient in a hospital , is relatively painfree. and covered by most Insurance Plans-why must be ordered by your Doctor. If you are really concerned about having cancer-concern that is more than usual and giving you quite a bit of stress-affecting sleep,appetite and so forth than more than likely will be recommended treatment by your doctor. It is the most certain test to date to find or not find cancer.It certainly relieved me several years back-Nice to hear that no evidence of cancer found anywhere.

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