Q&A: What does coughing blood mean with lung cancer?

Question by Enceladus: What does coughing blood mean with lung cancer?
When someone has been living for over 2 years with lung cancer, what does it mean when the patient starts coughing up blood? The doctor says there’s nothing they can do.
Tapestry6, I didn’t ask about the symptoms of lung cancer. That’s all you gave.
Just so you know, it’s not me that has cancer, but someone close to me. It is quite advanced, but somehow she keeps going on. Incredibly strong, and doesn’t seem to want to give up. She sometimes improves enough to be able to go for a short walk outside, but this isn’t often.

Best answer:

Answer by sharrona
The person already has lung cancer, it would seem it is just another stage of the disease…………I would check out webmd.com………..to see if I could find out anything further, or simply speak to the Dr. in private about the situation……..

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