Q&A: What is the next step after a lung cancer diagnosis?

Question by Just Me: What is the next step after a lung cancer diagnosis?
My future mother-in law has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She has only been sick a few months. I don’t know if it is small cell or non-small cell though. Within two days of being hospitalized they had to place her on a vent and they have drained over a quart of fluid from her paracardium. She is breathing on her own but the tumor has blocked her airway and the tube is physically holding it open. She has now been intebated for about a month. She has also been given one treatment of chemo. I have been told that it is stage IV by a family member but I know that doctors do not categorize small cell lung cancer this way.
My question is what is the next step? Because I am not “officially” a part of this family (the wedding is next spring) doctors and nurses will not tell me details. Other family members do not want to know the bad news and don’t ask. I am trying to console her husband as well as my fiance. And they do not understand what is going on. Please help me help them.

Best answer:

Answer by Panda
In general, each hospital has a medical social worker, especially on the oncology wards. It is often possible for families to meet as a unit or individually with the social worker. You might ask family members if they would be interested in meeting with the social worker to discuss your mother in laws situation. This is not to find out medical information, but to sort out your feelings and how to handle the situation. If family members agree than you could ask the social worker to meet with the family and discuss this issue.

Since you are not a family member than your place is one of being supportive. Do not try to advise about something in which you have so little knowledge. You can however talk to the social worker about your own feelings of powerlessness and what you can do to be the most helpful.

If you cannot find a medical social worker, there is an online free service, non-profit organization who can help you during this process.
Contact Cancer Care. They have social workers who can sort this out and guide you during this journey:

Cancer Care

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