Q&A: Where can someon go to get tested for lung cancer in los angeles or california ?

Question by *******L…A ‘S FINEST******: Where can someon go to get tested for lung cancer in los angeles or california ?
I have been a hard core smoker for 23 years and am trying to stop smokeing cigerettes . Cancer and diabetes run in my family and I am concerned for my health because for a while I have been having signs of lung cancer , I looked up the symptoms and alot of them fit me . I am beginning to get really scared about this and need to find out what is wrong with me and if it is actually what I suspect and am afraid of I am only 33 years old and shouldn’t be feeling so fatigued and sick
like I am . Can someone tell me where I can go to get tested for cancer /lung cancer here in Los Angeles or california Thanks Robin Gist in Los Angeles.

Best answer:

Answer by Mangy Coyote
Go to a DOCTOR

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