Radon Gas: Second Leading Lung Cancer Cause According to Jamey Gelina, Air Quality Control Agency Radon Specialist. January: National Radon Action

Radon Gas: Second Leading Lung Cancer Cause According to Jamey Gelina, Air Quality Control Agency Radon Specialist. January: National Radon Action

(1888PressRelease) – One in 15 homes across the U.S. has elevated radon levels. With as many as 21,000 deaths each year, radon exposure is second only to smoking in causing lung cancer deaths in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The only way to know whether radon exists in elevated levels in your home, and to protect your family from radon, is to test. EPA and National Safety Council are asking homeowners and renters to test their house for radon and learn how to protect families from radon gas.

In 2009, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the President’s Cancer Panel, and the Health Physics Society have all called for stronger policies regarding radon risk reduction. Independent scientists from around the world have agreed that the threat is real and the WHO is calling for a reference level of 2.7 pCi/L of air for radon as compared to the US action level of 4.0. (These documents can be accessed at www.aarst.org)

Amid these growing concerns about the health risks of long-term exposure to indoor radon; EPA has designated January as National Radon Action Month. During National Radon Action Month Air Quality Control, in conjunction with EPA, will redouble our efforts to educate the public about the dangers of radon and what can be done to minimize the health risk from long-term exposure. As part of our efforts we will encourage the media and local health departments to help promote awareness of this national health problem.

Air Quality Control Agency, North America’s largest radon mitigation company is offering special discounts on radon testing kits and radon remediation services in honor of National Radon Action Month. You can contact their program director Jamey Gelina or a member of his staff by call 1-800-NO-RADON [1-800-667-2366.]




Article from articlesbase.com

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