Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Article by Beautyguide

The first symptom of lung cancer is low rate of breath. The person affected with lung cancer experiences shortness in breath and this symptom is called as dyspnea. Blood coughing is another symptom of lung cancer and it is medically called as hemoptysis. This symptom is generally related with hematemesis which is blood vomiting. The other warning of cancer is experiencing ache during coughing. Any change in the style of coughing can be a sign or symptom of lung cancer. The symptoms like quick weight loss, feeling of excessive exhaustion, and no desire of eating any kind of food stuff are some of the main symptoms of lung cancer. Person suffering with lung cancer may also experience chest pain.

One of the early symptoms of lung cancer is a nagging cough that simply will not get better. Often the cough worsens with time and is accompanied by chronic chest pain. Coughing up blood is another of the many early symptoms of lung cancer. In fact, coughing up blood is one of the biggest symptoms that sends lung cancer patients to their doctors. Recurring bronchitis or pneumonia sometimes indicates that the disease is present. Fatigue and shortness of breath are more symptoms to watch out for if you suspect the disease. No matter what the symptoms are, if you have lung cancer, they will gradually progress in intensity as the disease progresses.

Smoking or inhaling second hand smoke, environmental exposures such as asbestos and radon gas, and a family history of lung cancer increase the risk of an individual getting lung cancer. However, some lung cancers arise in the absence of these risk factors. Factors that may protect people from lung cancer are not smoking, avoiding second hand smoke, a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit, and limiting exposure to potential carcinogens in the environment such as radon.

Most of the symptoms of lung cancer are related to cough conditions. However, the difference is that lung cancer may lead to prolonged cough or blood coming out with cough. Chest infections, difficulty in breathing or a pain in breathing etc. are some of the symptoms of lung cancer. But again, the occurrence of such symptoms should not lead you to concluding that you have lung cancer. Only a qualified doctor through proper examination and tests can deduce whether you have lung cancer or not.

As a lung cancer grows, it increasingly compromises the normal functioning of an affected lung. Secondary complications may occur, such as collection of fluid in the tissue lining the lungs (pleural effusion), lung collapse, airway obstruction, and repeated lung infections. Lung cancer may also spread or metastasize to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes, bones, liver and brain. Bone pain and abnormal liver or brain function may result.

Small Cell Lung Cancer is second only to breast cancer in terms of deaths. There are about 175,000 reported cases of Small Cell Lung Cancer in the U.S. each year. Of these, about 160,000 will result in the death of the patient. Small Cell Lung Cancer is so deadly because it is hard to catch in time. Small Cell Lung Cancer develops in cells that are actually so small that they do not show up on normal x-rays. By the time they are found the cancer is usually already into an advanced state.

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About the Author

The first symptom of lung cancer is low rate of breath. The person affected with lung cancer experiences shortness in breath and this symptom is called as dyspnea.

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