Tag Archives: Treatments

3 Mesothelioma Treatments Explained

3 Mesothelioma Treatments Explained Article by Tom Parker Mesothelioma is one of the most uncommon types of cancer and is almost always caused by past exposure to asbestos. It is believed … Continue reading

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Alternative Treatments and Options for Lung Cancer

Alternative Treatments and Options for Lung Cancer Article by Francis Calma In 2010, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for men and women in the United States and … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Treatments – Some Basic Facts

Mesothelioma Treatments – Some Basic Facts Article by Kirsten Hawkins Before we discuss about mesothelioma treatments it is important to have an understanding of what is mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer surgery abroad – treatments available and competency of surgeons

Lung Cancer surgery abroad – treatments available and competency of surgeons Article by Pankaj Nagpal Lung Cancer Lung cancer starts in the cells of the lung.The lungs are in the chest … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Treatments and Information

Mesothelioma Treatments and Information Article by Eugene Okoh Mesothelioma is a rare cancer with a terrifying death rate. Caused by asbestos this indisposition charge carry 40 to 50 years to loom … Continue reading

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What Radical Mesothelioma Treatments Are Available?

What Radical Mesothelioma Treatments Are Available? Article by Jon Butt Current radical mesothelioma treatments include chemotherapy treatments, radiation treatments, surgical treatments and experimental therapies and drugs. Research news reports the limited success of … Continue reading

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Study Tests Dose and Toxicity Levels of Treatments For Mesothelioma Victims

Study Tests Dose and Toxicity Levels of Treatments For Mesothelioma Victims Article by Peter Kent A study currently being conducted in Boston, Mass., by several physicians is attempting to determine the highest level … Continue reading

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Treatments For Lung Cancer

Treatments For Lung Cancer Article by David Silva Treatments for lung cancer depend on a combination of factors. How advanced is the cancer? Are the tumors localized or have they spread to other … Continue reading

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Causes ,effects symptoms and treatments of lung cancer

Causes ,effects symptoms and treatments of lung cancer What is Lung cancer: Cancer which is found in the lungs is termed as lung cancer. Lungs are the softy organs located in the chest on both either side of the heart. … Continue reading

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What is the life expectancy for Small Cell Lung Cancer with out treatments?

Question by pdiduvall: What is the life expectancy for Small Cell Lung Cancer with out treatments? My mother (age 63) was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer in June 08. She has choosen not to have any treatments for it. … Continue reading

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