Three Symptoms to Lung Cancer

Three Symptoms to Lung Cancer

Article by Charlene J. Nuble

Lung cancer may manifest a lot of symptoms although, there are actually three symptoms to lung cancer that is already an evident proof of having been inflicted of lung cancer. Out of a number of symptoms that a patient having a lung cancer may manifest are: Hemoptysis, “smoker’s cough”, and wheezing.


Coughing up blood or hemoptysis usually happens in a person who is already experiencing a cough that doesn’t go away or is chronic.

Chronic cough can be characterized as a nagging cough which lasts for more than six months. When one experiences chronic cough, the body becomes exhausted from it because of the constant friction happening inside the lungs. Hemoptysis is evident in the late stages of lung cancer. The blood comes primarily from the respiratory tract. Not only can blood come from the mouth but also from the nose, throat and all air passages connected to the lungs.

Mucus that is blood-tinged coming from a nonsmoker who is healthy is an indication of mild infection. Because of constant coughing or infection of the bronchus, the pressure being driven to the bronchus and lung parts can lead to the rupture of tiny blood vessels.

Hemoptysis can usually be seen in people who have been smoking for the rest of their lives. They have better chances of being at risk for the cancer and experiencing the symptom of hemoptysis. One of the main reasons why hemoptysis happens is pulmonary embolus, pneumonia, and even tuberculosis.

Smoker’s Cough

Indistinctly, a smoker’s cough is dominantly seen in people who are into smoking since their adolescence or teenage lives. It can also be evident in people who are living with someone who is a chronic smoker who is termed as a secondhand smoker. Aside from smoking, one can also experience a smoker’s cough out of one’s lifestyle and work. Exposure to nasal, lung and throat irritants can also precipitate a smoker’s cough.

In a smoker’s cough, the affected area is typically the respiratory system. Small fibers that are located in the trachea and nose which is known as cilia operates by preventing irritants to enter the human body which promotes further protection to any kind of infection. The moment one smokes or gets accustomed to being exposed to irritants; these cilia are damaged making it nonfunctional which can lead to cilia disintegration. When the cilia are damaged, phlegm can’t be prevented from crossing one’s throat. Furthermore, smoking causes increase mucus production that precipitates the development of toxins. The moment the smoker gets up in the morning, he will repeatedly cough out the excessive phlegm accumulated within his throat in order to clear it all out.


Aside from asthma an other lung disorders that are caused by narrowing, wheezing is also evident in lung cancer. Wheezing is defined as a high-pitched sound that is similar with a whistle and can be heard through a stethoscope during exhalation. Sound that is produced is due to the flow of air through narrowed breathing tubes. Another reason for wheezing is blockage of the small tubes or bigger airways like in the bronchioles. This is considered as one of the three symptoms to lung cancer due to its presence whenever an affected person coughs or when the person breathes.

About the Author

Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Three Symptoms to Lung Cancer

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