Treating Lung Cancer With Nutrition

Treating Lung Cancer With Nutrition

Article by Chindiamond

Treating Lung Cancer With Nutrition

This is nothing short of amazing! It is a true story.I am passionate about living a natural healthy life.Yesterday, I got an incredible information on a particular fruit.I have long known that fresh organic fruits hold the key to a lot of health challenges.The Manufacturer of man, God, said concerning fruits in Deut 20:19,… Do not cut down the fruit-bearing trees for the tree of the field is man’s life.

This lady relation had been bedfast. She had lung cancer. She went through many chemotherapy sessions.But eventually they had one of the lungs removed.Unfortunately, the cancer cells had spread beyond the lung they removed.My hubby went to see her and reported she was like skeleton.That was scary.

Her city of residence is over 800 kilometers away from mine.End of August, 2010, I spoke with her hubby on phone. I wanted to go visit with them. But, no. That was not possible. She had been flown to a hospital in another far off city.And was put in an oxygen tent. This spelt all the negatives to me.

But when we got the info that this particular fruit and the entire tree (leaves, tree bark) have compounds that selectively destroy cancer cells, lowershigh blood pressure, and they have been successfully used to treat arthritis, asthma, heart disease, and liver problems we decided to pass the info across to her immediately.We were in for a shock!First, she picked her handset by herself.Second, she was speaking with a strong voice.Then her story!

After all the oxygen tent and all, the doctors gave up on her.They further advised she be taken die quietly and stop the expenses.On hearing that, she summoned up all the strength left in her and said,”God will not abandon me.”She went into coma, after making this statement.After three days of being in coma, she came to herself.On seeing that she was still in oxygen tent, she told them to remove it alland take her home.

Recall that my hubby called to tell her about the fruit.She said, she was out of bed and now walks about.She was full of words and life!Then, hubby asked her if she knew about the fruit.She said, she drinks the fresh juice, three times daily!

Boy! This is something to shout about! Treating lung cancer with nutrition!!!We started calling all the folks we know who are suffering or who knowsomeone who is battling cancer and the like.That’s why I wrote this.As I teach and explain in my website, you can live healthy.Not on chemicals but eating fresh organic fruits, vegetables and their fresh juices.

Many have problems eating fresh fruits or their juices.It actually gives them trouble. Fruits and their juices actually work against them.Why?Simple. They don’t know HOW TO and WHEN TO eat fruits or drink their juices. On different pages on my website I explained thoroughlythe how and when to eat fruits for Best Results. You could check it out.

Did I hear your question? Yes, the name of the FRUIT in question? It’s called..Graviola–BrazillianGuanabana–SpanishSoursop–English

It is a natural cancer cell killer, 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

Recall, that you need also to know How and When to eat this amazing fruit and its juices to obtain the Best Results. Do visit my health solution website for the how…

About the Author

Chindiamond is passionate about life and helping others live healthy.She was a victim of different eating disorders and has set up a website as her gratitude contribution for being alive today after a major anorexia crisis. Many have found help using the info she freely proffers on this great site.  

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