What are the causes of lung cancer in dogs?

Question by Danni: What are the causes of lung cancer in dogs?
I found out today that my 8 year old mini poodle has lung cancer. The vet gave him about a month. It’s absolutely devastating. But what they didn’t answer is how he got it. Are the causes for lung cancer the same in dogs as it is in humans? If so, how did he get it? Nobody in our house smokes, and he’s never been exposed to harmful inhalants. I just want to know if there is anything we did to make him sick, because we have another dog and I do not want him to meet the same fate.

Best answer:

Answer by SifuGreg
Unfortunately the world we live in and subject our dogs to is often the cause and in other cases , there is no specific cause. You can read more about it from http://www.vetinfo.com/lung-cancer-dogs.html. I’m so very sorry for the news. I too, have lost several animals to various forms of cancer over the years.

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