What are the Symptoms of Stage 4 Lung Cancer?

What are the Symptoms of Stage 4 Lung Cancer?

Article by Jackilyn

Cancer has no cure until now. Further research and studies are still going on to find out the remedy for the worlds killer disease. On of the deadliest diseases is lung cancer. It can be prevented, which is the easiest actually, but also incurable. Stage 4 lung cancer, is also like other kind of cancers. Once the patient is suffering with the final stage of cancer, the only option is to undergo a palliative or hospice care. Medical and surgical treatments can be offered depending upon the patient and their over all health condition. These treatments are costly and patients will have few months or day left to live.

In order for us to prevent this disease, we need to know first the symptoms. Once we are aware of these, we are then ready on how to prevent it. Coughing is the mostly common in every patient with lung disease. However for those who have stage 4 lung cancer, they cough with blood. It’s called hemoptysis. Wheezing or changes in voice like whistling. It is the cause of air moving towards a narrow path.

Do not be confident when you say lung cancer the disease will only be in your lungs. It is false. Stage 4 lung cancer means it is already malignant and other parts of your body are already under attack by cancer cells. In time, a patient would feel headache which will become more intense. The same thing with the liver. The attack of cancer cells in our liver makes us weaken and lose our appetite which results to losing some weight.

Our brain is very important as we are living. It is the center of our nervous system and is responsible for everything we are doing. If metastasis occur in our brain, it is responsible for any seizures that a patient will experience. Our bones are also affected with metastasis. Patients would feel pain in their bones even when they are not walking for longer period. Backbone, thigh bone and ribs are usually the target of metastasis. Any changes in vision is also a sign of stage 4 lung cancer.

Think of all these changes and realize what can cigarettes and tobacco do to ruin our body. It may not destroy us instantly. On the contrary, they are doing it slowly and surely. If you are not sure whether you are suffering from lung cancer or not, it is best to visit a doctor. For now, we are aware of the symptoms and complications of advance stage lung cancer, we must be serious to take care of our health at all times.

About the Author

Jackilyn is a writer about health and her primary focus is Stage 4 lung cancer.

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