What body parts or organs does lung cancer affect?

Question by Not So Young: What body parts or organs does lung cancer affect?
what other parts besides the lungs does lung cancer affect and what happens, how does it affect it?

Best answer:

Answer by Corey L
Lymphoma can present anywhere, normal lymphocytes – blood cells that provide immune defense – are found.

N – lymph nodes
H – liver (hepatic)
L – lung (not shown)
B – bone marrow
S – spleen
P – pleura (lung lining – not shown)
O – bone
D – skin
M – mucos at linings- nose, stomach, eyes, etc

Lymphoma is not one cancer, but a name for a group of related cancers that arise when a Lymphocyte (an immune cell) becomes malignant.

When a lymphocyte becomes malignant it’s biologic behaviour is arrested at its stage of development.

Lymphomas cells may grown too fast or fail to die, and accumulate to form tumours in the body, most commonly in the lymphatic system – the network of lymph nodes and channels that filter blood

Picture courtesy Patients against Lymphoma

As Lymphoma is caused by cancerous lymphocytes it generally effects body regions where these cells are found
The lymphatic system protects our body from infection
Lymph vessels are thin tubes that branch into all parts of the body. They carry fluid derived from a body region back to small bean shaped structures called lymph nodes
Lymph nodes function like an army barracks, when an enemy is detected the troops (lymphocytes) are rallied and sent forth to find and destroy the foe
Besides lymph nodes and lymph vessels a number of other organs have a large population of lymphocytes
Thus the body region effected by lymphoma is not as easy to visualise as when someone is told they have brain or bowel cancer

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