What is a typical day like with lung cancer?

Question by Blue Rox: What is a typical day like with lung cancer?
I am doing a presentation on lung cancer and I wanted to add something extra besides facts. I want to know what a normal day would be like for a person that is living with lung cancer or perhaps what a day is like when you get treatment. Anyone care to share your stories?

Best answer:

Answer by Denisedds
You want “to add something extra besides facts”?!
Are you serious? Maybe you are planning a degree in journalism.
One person’s treatment is not the same as the next. I would think you would know that gathering all of your facts.
If you want to add some sort of shock factor look up how a lobectomy is done and look up what rib spreaders are. If this is not horrifying I don’t know what is. While you are at it you can look up pictures on normal healthy lungs and ones with cancer and include them in your presentation the difference is striking.

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