What stage of lung cancer does this sound like?

Question by Kaden Russ: What stage of lung cancer does this sound like?
My cousin was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, and he won’t mention the stage the cancer is. The doctors said he has about a 25% chance of making it through, and he goes to radiation 5 days a week, along with chemotherapy once a week. Hes pretty unhealthy, and can’t eat/drink almost anything. He’s been given permission from his doctor to take at least 3 months off from work. I know his chances are low, but does this like stage 3 or 4? We’re all doing research, and are pretty worried about him. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by reportmeplease
stop doing research! it’s not doing anything for him or you. it doesn’t matter if it’s stage 3 or 4.

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