What to do for my grandma who is dying from lung cancer?

Question by ♫Lines, Vines, & Trying Times♫: What to do for my grandma who is dying from lung cancer?
Today, my grandma found out her lung cancer was winning and she is too weak to get chemotherapy anymore. She was told she is going to die, and I want to get/make her something to cheer her up or make her feel more comfortable. I am young and I have just lost my grandpa early November 2007 from Alzheimers, so I want to make sure I get to do something nice for my grandma. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by siriousga
I would suggest something simple that will brighten her day. Have you ever seen one of those No-sew fleece blankets? You can buy material with a pattern that is special for her. It will keep her warm and you will always have the blanket.

I lost my wife to cancer Jan. 2008 and she always made the blankets and gave them as gifts. So now everyone she knew makes them and passes on the tradition and thinks of her when they do so. I have the one she made for me and it will always be here with me.

God never said life would be easy, but he did promise it would be rewarding.

Good luck and God bless….

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