Tag Archives: would

Q&A: would should I do to minimize my chance of dying from lung cancer?

Question by Lucas: would should I do to minimize my chance of dying from lung cancer? I smoked for 4 years in my 20s. I’ve quit and haven’t smoked for years. But the risk of lung cancer still scares me. … Continue reading

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Can an ultra sound detect Lung Cancer? Or would a CAT scan or other tests be needed to make sure?

Question by WOODSEY NILES: Can an ultra sound detect Lung Cancer? Or would a CAT scan or other tests be needed to make sure? Is it possible that a person could have lung cancer for a few months or more, … Continue reading

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Q&A: what dog would be good for my grandma who is in the last stages of lung cancer?

Question by Jenn: what dog would be good for my grandma who is in the last stages of lung cancer? My grandma’s dog , a Pekingese, died yesterday. She has lung Cancer and we are wanting to get her a … Continue reading

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If all smokers developed terminal lung cancer,whom would they blame,themselves or the tobacco companies?

Question by thedragonlady: If all smokers developed terminal lung cancer,whom would they blame,themselves or the tobacco companies? They must think they are immune to lung cancer,emphysema and heart disease. Best answer: Answer by aprilWe are all responsible for our own … Continue reading

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Which would be a good topic to research on Lung Cancer or Tuberculosis?

Question by HK: Which would be a good topic to research on Lung Cancer or Tuberculosis? You see, i have been researching and plus is there a cure for Lung Cancer? I can’t research both and i just wanted a … Continue reading

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How much would a chest x-ray cost to diagnose lung cancer?

Question by GoldRenamon: How much would a chest x-ray cost to diagnose lung cancer? My very close friend is having problems with breathing, and he’s feeling some back and chest pain. He’s lived in a house with a smoker for … Continue reading

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