Tag Archives: there

Q&A: What all different treatments are there for lung cancer?

Question by xox_loveme_xox: What all different treatments are there for lung cancer? What is every treatment or medication out there for lung cancer? (also if you know any reliable “.gov” or “.edu” websites that I can learn about lung cancer … Continue reading

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Q&A: How many stages of lung cancer are there?

Question by A-dawgg.: How many stages of lung cancer are there? I just found out my grandpa has stage 3 lung cancer. how many more stages is there? Best answer: Answer by ANSCLC are assigned a stage from I to … Continue reading

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Is there a cure for lung cancer through alternative medicine?

Question by maudie72: Is there a cure for lung cancer through alternative medicine? They just found a lump behind my breast bone in the lymph node, I’m waiting for petscan. Looking for any and all information connected with lung cancer … Continue reading

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Q&A: Is there any hospital in the Philippines offering cryosurgery to treat lung cancer?

Question by Alicia: Is there any hospital in the Philippines offering cryosurgery to treat lung cancer? My dad was diagnosed with NSC lung cancer and heard of this treatment, instead of going to China, it would be so much better … Continue reading

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Is there any correlation between breast cancer and lung cancer?

Question by Judy A: Is there any correlation between breast cancer and lung cancer? I am a 52 year ol;d female. Ten years ago I was diagnosed with lobular carcinoma of the breast (in-situ) and had bilateral mastectomies. My mother … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer Cures – Is There A single That Truly Operates?

Lung Cancer Cures – Is There A single That Truly Operates? Article by Chris Bray Not only that, but they had been remedied in a rather short total of time, which … Continue reading

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Is there anything out there to treat the symptoms of lung cancer?

Question by setashort55: Is there anything out there to treat the symptoms of lung cancer? There is a family friend that has stage 4 liver cancer and after a recent scan they have found spots on her lung. She is … Continue reading

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If a person has lung cancer and lymph nodes are discovered there, can they be cured with radiation or chemo?

Question by veradecker02: If a person has lung cancer and lymph nodes are discovered there, can they be cured with radiation or chemo? My sister was operated on for lung cancer, the mass removed. Now doctors have discoverd lymph nodes … Continue reading

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