how high is the likelihood to die of lung cancer as a pasive smoker compared to a surgery?

Question by Merchant Lynx S: how high is the likelihood to die of lung cancer as a pasive smoker compared to a surgery?
I have back problems and think I will take drogs tilI I die. Will surgery kill me or I will have lung cancer as a passive smoker ? What is the likelihood to die from what I told above?

Best answer:

Answer by Snowman
There are many things you can do if you consider yourself to be a high risk for cancer. The following is a simple list followed by detains for each item on the list.

Mammograms – Is all that radiation necessary? Safe? No. No.
Antioxidants – Nothing beats Cantron and Protocel.
Ellagic acid is a good preventative for some cancers.
IP-6 a good preventative and treatment for most cancers.
Cooked Foods and Safe Cooking reduce breast cancer Irradiated foods there is some cancer risk, better to wash your food.
Wearing Brassieres all day prevents lymph circulation.
Parabens found in many lotions may be dangerous.
Sunlight is one of the best cancer preventatives.
Vitamin D up to 70% reduction in cancer,
Love as a Preventative is not as hard as you might think.

Mammography and Mammograms
The section presents evidence concerning the dangers and short comings of mammograms and presents a couple of alternatives for breast cancer detection.
Dangers of Radiation
Dr. John Gofman, M.D., Ph. D. who was the biomedical director and associate director of the Atomic Energy Commission’s Livermore National Laboratory and is now Professor Emeritus, Molecular and Cell Biology, at the University of California, Berkeley and is also on the faculty at the University of California Medical School at San Francisco (UCSF), has written an extensive study** to support his hypothesis that medical radiation is probably the principal cause of cancer mortality in the United States.
The Moss report Mammograpy – the Hidden Downside** presents and often overlooked aspect of mammograms:
“Mammography is undoubtedly good at picking up slow-growing cancers. It is also good at detecting so-called ‘in situ’ lesions, that is, the latent, precancerous lesions that have not yet developed – and might never develop – into truly invasive cancers. But these are not the kinds of breast cancer that are most likely to kill. That distinction belongs to the faster-growing tumors, and it is precisely these faster growing malignancies that mammography typically fails to catch.”
Also quoted in this Moss Report, Prof. Samuel Epstein, MD, of the University of Illinois pointed out:
“Even assuming that high quality screening of a population of women between the ages of 50 and 69 would reduce breast cancer mortality by up to 25 percent, yielding a reduced relative risk of 0.75, the chances of any individual woman benefiting are remote. For women in this age group, about 4 percent are likely to develop breast cancer annually, about one in four of whom, or 1 percent overall, will die from this disease. Thus, the 0.75 relative risk applies to this 1 percent, so 99.75 percent of the women screened are unlikely to benefit” (Epstein 2001).
Better/Safer Testing – Thermograms
DITI, or digital infrared thermal imaging, also called a thermogram, is a safe diagnostic test that measures changes in skin surface temperature. An infrared scanning camera detects skin surface temperatures and shows them on a color monitor. In healthy people, there is a symmetrical skin pattern. Breast cancer appears as an irregular pattern.
DITI has been used in human medicine for the past 20 years. Recent break-troughs in PC-based designed has allowed more practitioners to be able to afford the equipment. Most Naturopaths in your area will be aware of this type of testing. Some have thermogram practitioners come to their offices on a periodic basis.
See also AMAS For Early Detection under the Safer Tests subsection of the Home page.

Even the FDA has agreed that antioxidants act as cancer preventatives. Cantron and Protocel are among the most powerful antioxidants ever tested so they can be used as a preventative. When taking them as a preventative, a reduced schedule can be used and a person does not have to avoid all the things that interfere with Cantron or Protocel.

Ellagic Acid
Ellagic acid is a good preventative for these cancers:

Cesium Chloride
Cesium chloride with potassium is a good general preventative as is laetrile. All together, that makes five alternative cancer treatments that act to prevent cancer. Which one will work best with your unique body chemistry? Once again, the only way to tell is to test each on your body. A quick way to do this is to use the Alternative Cancer Test Kit. With the Test Kit you can energetically test $ 800 worth of treatments for only $ 39. For more information, click the Test Kit.

IP-6, also known as inositol hexaphosphate, has shown effectiveness in preventing and treating a wide range of cancers including colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, chronic myeloid leukemia, rhabdomyosarcomas, pancreatic cancer, melanomas, and Barrett’s adenocarcinoma and can be given to cats and dogs.
IP6 has been studied for cancer prevention and treatment since the 1950s. For prevention most people are taking 500 to 1000 mg a day in two doses on an empty stomach. Those at high risk for cancer, fatty liver, or kidney stones are taking from 1000 to 2000 mg a day in two doses on an empty stomach. People with cancer are taking 4000 to 7000 mg a day in two doses on an empty stomach along with 1,200 – 1800 mg inositol.
Toxicity studies have shown that a daily dose of 9000 mg of IP-6 for 3 years did not produce harmful side effects.

Cooked Foods Increase Cancer in Women – Acrylamide
A 2007 Dutch study, the Cohort Study involving 120,000 people found that acrylamide, a chemical caused by frying, baking, roasting, or grilling can double the chances of women getting ovarian and womb cancer. Foods that are cooked less contain less acrylamide. Cutting the crust of of bread reduces the number of carbos and acrylamide. Home-cooked meals contain much lower amounts of the acrylamide than processed products, fast food, or restaurant food.

Safe Cooker – Solar Oven
The Solar Oven Society** is a not-for-profit organization. Every solar oven purchased in the USA helps offset the cost of sending solar ovens to Third World countries where the need for solar cooking is so great. Solar cooking is:
Safe because the temperature used kills bacteria but does not form acrylamide
Inexpensive because after the $ 150 oven purchase the fuel is free.
Healthy because it retains the enzymes in food which are essential for good health
To purchase the solar oven for $ 150 including shipping** (free shipping is significant, only companies that rarely get a return include shipping in the cost because they must refund shipping as well as the product cost) go to:

Irradiated Foods
This is an excellent article** that explains the cancer risk, slight although present and a better alternative: washing your food.

Wearing Brassieres for Extended Periods
An extensive study of over 4700 women (2056 previously diagnosed with breast cancer, 2674 never diagnosed with breast cancer) was run by authors Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer that indicated a positive correlation between breast cancer and the length of time that women wore bras per day.
Those who wore a bra all day long (defined in the study as any period more than 12 hours) had statistically 21 times greater risk of breast cancer than those who only wore a bra for only part of the day (defined in the study as any period up to 12 hours). Women who wore their bras all day and night (essentially 24 hours per day) had a 5 times greater chance of developing breast cancer than those who wore it all day-long.
The study conjectured that wearing a bra may constrict the flow of lymph fluid in the breast, which then causes the higher risk of breast cancer. Lymph fluid is the natural watery fluid which surrounds and bathes cells in body tissues. Lymph fluid carries disease-fighting cells and helps remove accumulated toxins, some of which may be carcinogenic (cancer-causing). The impaired flow of lymph fluid is thought to allow toxins to build up, thus causing breast tissue cells to be exposed to higher concentrations of cancer-causing toxins for longer periods of time. The study suggested that women wear their bras for fewer hours, thus giving their breasts time to “recover” and also not wearing bras that feel constrictive or tight.
For more details on the study, conducted by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer, see their book Dressed to Kill, (Avery Publishing Group, New York, 1995). ISBN 0-89529-664-0. Available from The Naturist Society, P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54902, Tel. 414-426-5009.

Lotions Potions and Parabens
Parabens are preservatives that are found in most body lotions, deodorants, and shampoos. In 2004 the University of Reading tested 20 human breast tumors for the presence of parabens. They found parabens in every tumor. Apparently parabens had seeped into breast tissue after being applied to the skin in the form of lotions or deodorants. The reason this is significant is that parabens are able to mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen. Although more research is needed it seems prudent to reduce your exposure to parabens. Also 1,4-Dioxane, a by-product of short cut manufactureing, is considered a chemical known to cause cancer. The following are parabens and 1,4-Dioxane free brands of lotion: Aubrey Organics, Dr. Hauschka, Nourish Food for Your Healthy Skin, EO, Avalon Organics, Burt’s Bees, Desert Essence, and Zia.

Contrary to popular belief, sunlight has the highest success rate for:
Safely stopping tumor growth, not destroying tumors (the only effect that conventional medicine recognizes), but stopping growth.
Preventing cancer by stimulating the body’s vitamin D production.
Preventing influenza like the bird flu also by vitamin D production.
Fair skin and the number of moles are the major risk factor for melanoma (ski

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