Q&A: What all different treatments are there for lung cancer?

Question by xox_loveme_xox: What all different treatments are there for lung cancer?
What is every treatment or medication out there for lung cancer?

(also if you know any reliable “.gov” or “.edu” websites that I can learn about lung cancer on please share)

Best answer:

Answer by tarra
There are many many treatments for lung cancer, it depends what stage the cancer is at, and what Type of treatment you are looking for. I have pasted a few links for you to look at. The first one is about serrapeptase, it’s a non pharmaceutical drug that has been around for years and has brought remarkable healing to many people from all sorts of health conditions. It’s also for animals.

My dog had an oral cancerous tumor and after 3 weeks of being given serrapeptase, his tumor is gone.

The last link will teach you all about lung cancer.

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