What are the chances of my mother not being affected by lung cancer?

Question by I secretly hate my sister: What are the chances of my mother not being affected by lung cancer?
My mom has been a smoker since she was about 16. She’s now 38. For the past few years, she’s been smoking 1 to 2 packs of ciggarettes a day. When i try to talk to her about it, she always pulls the “Oh a lot of people smoke, and dont’ get lung cancer” card on me. But i’m starting to not believe it.
And i’m even more scared because she’s not fully covered on medical insurance..

Best answer:

Answer by hip-hop junkie
it’s really hard to stop smoking cause it’s sooo adicting. show her statistics online how many people die everydays because of it. and tell her what makes her think she’s not gonna get it if anything she might even get it eventually sorry to say.

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