Tag Archives: mother

Q&A: A good friend found out her mother has stage 3 lung cancer-How do I help her deal with this ?

Question by girlie girl: A good friend found out her mother has stage 3 lung cancer-How do I help her deal with this ? I want to be there as a friend to help her get through this and I … Continue reading

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What are the chances of my mother not being affected by lung cancer?

Question by I secretly hate my sister: What are the chances of my mother not being affected by lung cancer? My mom has been a smoker since she was about 16. She’s now 38. For the past few years, she’s … Continue reading

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My mother has lung cancer and her tumor marker came back with a count of 80. How high can it go?

Question by carolfosket@rocketmail.com: My mother has lung cancer and her tumor marker came back with a count of 80. How high can it go? She was diagnosed over 3 years ago with lung cancer. She did not want chemo or … Continue reading

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How do you deal with the fact, your mother is dying of lung cancer and her days have been numbered?

Question by rain_that_falls_as_ice: How do you deal with the fact, your mother is dying of lung cancer and her days have been numbered? My mother was diagnosed with stage 3b large cell lung cancer. She has been undergoing chemo and … Continue reading

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