Author Archives: duncan

Ex-Smokers Reduce The Risk Of Lung Cancer – Quit Smoking Today

Ex-Smokers Reduce The Risk Of Lung Cancer – Quit Smoking Today Further evidence that, from a health standpoint, it is never too late to quit cigarette smoking was presented by a New Jersey pathologist who found that in former smokers, … Continue reading

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New Mesothelioma Research – What Are My Survival Chances?

New Mesothelioma Research – What Are My Survival Chances? The survival rate for mesothelioma patients about twenty years ago was less than one year from the time of diagnosis, but with early detection and aggressive treatment mesothelioma patients are living … Continue reading

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Q&A: Can you get lung cancer from fiberglass insulation?

Question by Soundra: Can you get lung cancer from fiberglass insulation? You can get lung cancer from asbestos because it puts fiber in the lungs and the body doesn’t know how to expel it. Wouldn’t the same logic be used … Continue reading

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Esophigeal Cancer Symptoms

Esophigeal Cancer Symptoms Article by Melissa Hernandez Esophageal cancer is typically a carcinoma that develops in the epithelium, or surface layer, of the esophagus. This type of cancer is most easily … Continue reading

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Information on Chemotherapy of Mesothelioma Treatment

Information on Chemotherapy of Mesothelioma Treatment Article by Jeff Mesothelioma chemotherapy is often one component of mesothelioma treatment. There are three basic approaches to treating mesothelioma disease such as surgery, radiation … Continue reading

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Carmel, CA : Cancer Treatments Rapidly Evolving: View From A Private Duty Caregiver

Carmel, CA : Cancer Treatments Rapidly Evolving: View From A Private Duty Caregiver Article by Richard Kuehn Carmel, CA : Cancer Treatments Rapidly Evolving: View From A Private Duty Caregiver Serving, … Continue reading

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Colorado Mesothelioma Attorneys

Colorado Mesothelioma Attorneys Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or they have been exposed to asbestos dust … Continue reading

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What are some of the symptoms of Lung Cancer?

Question by Revla: What are some of the symptoms of Lung Cancer? Write a paragraph about the symptoms of Lung cancer 5-8 sentences in detail. My firend might have it she wants to know. Best answer: Answer by Pearl NFatique … Continue reading

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Biomarkers helping research teams in early lung cancer diagnose

Biomarkers helping research teams in early lung cancer diagnose Researchers in America believe they may have found a way to help in early diagnose of lung cancer cases, two years before it can be picked up using CT scans. Tests … Continue reading

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Choosing A Mesothelioma Doctor: Tips For Finding The Right Doctor After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Choosing A Mesothelioma Doctor: Tips For Finding The Right Doctor After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis After you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, choosing which mesothelioma doctor you will trust your care to is one of several important … Continue reading

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