Author Archives: duncan

Is there any correlation between breast cancer and lung cancer?

Question by Judy A: Is there any correlation between breast cancer and lung cancer? I am a 52 year ol;d female. Ten years ago I was diagnosed with lobular carcinoma of the breast (in-situ) and had bilateral mastectomies. My mother … Continue reading

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Searching For Information On Mesothelioma Lawsuits?

Searching For Information On Mesothelioma Lawsuits? Article by Jason Rowe Almost all cases of mesothelioma patients have been recorded with some type of connection with asbestos even though there are scarce … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer Stage 3B – Incredibly Severe, But Treatment Is Still Prevalent

Lung Cancer Stage 3B – Incredibly Severe, But Treatment Is Still Prevalent Article by Marc Vazquez If your test results came back great, then congratulations, but do not forget this expertise … Continue reading

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What are the chances and signs of lung cancer?

Question by !Waffle Bear!: What are the chances and signs of lung cancer? I want to know because my mom smoked in the house with me since i was like 3! I try not to worry but when I go … Continue reading

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LUNG CANCER TREATMENT IN INDIA AT AFFORDABLE COST Article by Pankaj Nagpal ? cancer starts in the cells of the lung .The lungs are in the chest on either side of … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Treatment Technique: Photodynamic Therapy

Mesothelioma Treatment Technique: Photodynamic Therapy Article by Jason Wentworth Mesothelioma is an asbestos-related cancer that presently has no cure. However, there are experimental treatments available that may improve the quality of … Continue reading

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What is the survival rate of someone having lung cancer?

Question by DAZEDANDCONFUSED: What is the survival rate of someone having lung cancer? My father in law recently was diagnoised with lung cancer. He has two growths in his lower left lung. The size is small, one is 7 mm … Continue reading

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Q&A: Question about lung cancer related to secondhand smoke?

Question by .:Riku’s homegirl:.: Question about lung cancer related to secondhand smoke? If someone is exposed to secondhand smoke often and doesn’t have lung cancer, but starts to show early signs of it, then will it save them if they … Continue reading

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Asbestos Related Lung Cancer — Facts You Should KnowAsbestos Related Lung Cancer — Facts You Should Know

Asbestos Related Lung Cancer — Facts You Should KnowAsbestos Related Lung Cancer — Facts You Should Know Article by Linda Day The link between asbestos and lung cancer is well established … Continue reading

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Crucial Information – Selecting a Mesothelioma Treatment Option

Crucial Information – Selecting a Mesothelioma Treatment Option Article by Williams Phelps A cure for mesothelioma does not yet exist, but patients may still decide to obtain a range of treatments … Continue reading

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