Author Archives: duncan

How does lung cancer kill humans?

Question by Ben S: How does lung cancer kill humans? I recently had a friend lose the battle to lung cancer, and I want to know how he died. Was it suffocation? Best answer: Answer by bbno the cancer destroyed … Continue reading

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Liver Cancer – Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Liver Cancer – Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer Article by Peter hutch Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a cancer arising from the liver. It is also known as primary liver … Continue reading

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Finding the Best Mesothelioma Treatment Locations in the Southern US

Finding the Best Mesothelioma Treatment Locations in the Southern US Article by Andre Savoie Mesothelioma is a unique and rare form of cancer, which makes it particularly important to seek treatment … Continue reading

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If all smokers developed terminal lung cancer,whom would they blame,themselves or the tobacco companies?

Question by thedragonlady: If all smokers developed terminal lung cancer,whom would they blame,themselves or the tobacco companies? They must think they are immune to lung cancer,emphysema and heart disease. Best answer: Answer by aprilWe are all responsible for our own … Continue reading

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Latest Treatment options with New Mesothelioma Treatment

Latest Treatment options with New Mesothelioma Treatment Article by Jeff Traditional mesothelioma treatments are the standard treatments for malignant mesothelioma, which is a cancerous disease affecting the mesothelial cells in tissues … Continue reading

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What Is Mesothelioma?

What Is Mesothelioma? Article by Jerzy George Mesothelioma is an unusual form of cancer that grows in the mesothelial cells originated in human’s body. The cells structure membranous linings that envelops … Continue reading

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Lungs Cancer-Causes, Symptoms and Diagnose

Lungs Cancer-Causes, Symptoms and Diagnose Article by Ali Murtaza Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers existing in the world today. The ironic thing is that the majority of … Continue reading

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How does lung cancer affect a person’s everyday life?

Question by Drake: How does lung cancer affect a person’s everyday life? How does lung cancer affect a person’s everyday life? I would to have some links to back up your answer. Best answer: Answer by mAdDium, you can’t breath … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Settlements Allow Victims to Cope

Mesothelioma Settlements Allow Victims to Cope Article by Nick Johnson The diagnosis of Mesothelioma is one that is difficult to grasp and accept. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that … Continue reading

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Cruciferous Vegetables, Cancer Beater – A Real Cancer Prevention Diet

Cruciferous Vegetables, Cancer Beater – A Real Cancer Prevention Diet Article by Clifford Mcdonald If you smoke, or ever have, and you eat lots of broccoli (or other cruciferous veggies such … Continue reading

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