Can anyone tell me the life expectancy for someone with small cell lung cancer limited stage 3rd level?

Question by Seth: Can anyone tell me the life expectancy for someone with small cell lung cancer limited stage 3rd level?
My mother was just diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. She has been undergoing testing and just started treatments this week with it. I do know shes at stage 3 and its limited stage. Please any information you could give would be great I have seen some information but hoping what you may find looks better than what i have. We still haven’t gotten all the results back yet we will this Friday. But thanks for any and all help.

Best answer:

Answer by muddywolfe
Small cell is best treated with chemotherapy which aggressively deals with it. If your mother can finish the chemotherapy, then radiation is usually administered.

Although each person is different, the five year survival rate is very low. I know that cancer is stressful to the patient and loved ones but try to do your best to help her relax. Plus, it is a good idea that her surroundings are as clean as possible to prevent infection. Her immune system will be compromised.

My mother had small cell but was already in a bad shape before she was diagnosed at age 77. Her oncologist was surprised that she didn’t respond better to treatment.

I can understand what you are going through. I will be thinking of her and sending good thoughts her way. Good luck to you. Please let us know how she is doing.

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