Common Lung Cancer Symptoms Seen in People

Common Lung Cancer Symptoms Seen in People

Lung Cancer Symptoms need to be identified as early as possible so that the person who is suffering from this condition is able to get treated and cured. There are various lung cancer symptoms that are present. Identification of this as lung cancer is of primary importance.

The lung cancer is a disease that can be dangerous and fatal in many people. It commonly occurs because of a pre existing disease of the lungs. The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking or exposure to various kinds of pollutants including asbestos, dust and other things.

A cough that does not go off is one of the main signs of this disease. It will not respond to treatment too. This is the first sign of disease in most people. When the cough becomes severe, the person may also be affected so much that blood is produced when the person coughs. There could also be associated pain in the chest while coughing.

A loss of appetite and a sudden drop in the weight of the person is another sign that the person is suffering from lung cancer. Many of those who are suffering from cancer may also be fatigued quite easily. This is a common sign that is present in any type of cancer. An associated swelling that is present in the face and also the neck of the person may be another sign of the presence of the disease.

Since the lungs are affected, the lung function is not normal. The person will suffer from breathlessness. Various infections in the respiratory system can also occur in a person who is suffering from lung cancer. These infections can include bronchitis, pneumonia and others. There is also a mass that is developing in the lungs that can be identified in a radiograph.

All these are the common signs and symptoms that are present in a person who is suffering from lung cancer. The diagnosis of lung cancer cannot be based on the presence of one or more of these Lung Cancer Symptoms. This is because almost all of these symptoms can be present in any other disease of the lungs and other generalized diseases. There are some special tests that have to be done in order to diagnose this condition.

On the other hand, the presence of some of these symptoms should ring a bell and the individual needs to get a consultation with a physician to get a thorough check up to diagnose the disease, which could probably be lung cancer.

There are various Lung Cancer Symptoms that need to be identified quickly so that the person able to get treated and cured. For more details visit our site on Lung Cancer Symptoms .

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