How do you deal with the fact, your mother is dying of lung cancer and her days have been numbered?

Question by rain_that_falls_as_ice: How do you deal with the fact, your mother is dying of lung cancer and her days have been numbered?
My mother was diagnosed with stage 3b large cell lung cancer. She has been undergoing chemo and radiation treatments for several weeks now. She is weak and just a shell of who she used to be. How am I supposed to keep smiling when I am watching her fade into death?

Best answer:

Answer by Sham’s ID for Obama Nation
You aren’t supposed to. Don’t be afraid to show ur true feelings.. No one in the world expects you to act happy. Now is the time to be honest so you have no regrets on what you should have done differently. My uncle died of lung cancer and it was very very hard and sad at first, but after watching him suffer for so long, you just want them to pass so they are out of pain and not suffering. You will miss her terribly, but you will also know that she’s not suffering. I’m not saying you will be happy to see her go and want this, but if there is no chance for recovery then comfort in knowing she’s no longer in pain is a very powerful thing.

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