How long does it take to get lung cancer when smoking 1-2 cigarettes a day?

Question by Lukas: How long does it take to get lung cancer when smoking 1-2 cigarettes a day?
Im 13 and can i get lung cancer if i smoke 1-2 cigarettes per day? if so how long does it take to smoke to get lung cancer? and is there any way i can prevent myself from lung cancer and/or lip cancer??

Best answer:

Answer by iceman
No one knows the answer to this.

The majority of lung cancer cases are lifelong heavy smokers. But that being said, there are cases of people getting from second hand smoke, and from light smoking also.

1-2 cigs a day is not much at all, however the problem is that it always leads to more. Even if you dont get sick from smoking, you will look like crap by the time you are 35. Take a look at women in their 40-50s who have smoked their whole lives, most of them look like garbage.

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