Radiation Therapy Second Kind Of Lung Cancer Treatments

Radiation Therapy Second Kind Of Lung Cancer Treatments

Article by mouzhe

Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world and has the highly lethal ratio from cancer. it is one of the most common cancers in the world. The vast majority of lung cancer originated in bronchial epithelium, but there are a few cancer in alveolar epithelial origin or bronchial glands. Nearly 50 years, particularly in industrial countries around the world?The incidence and mortality of lung cancer displayed increasing tendency in recent years. Men died more from cancer than did women in all age and racial groups studied.

Cancer radiation therapy is using ionizing radiation X ray, ? ray or electron beam, etc. to cure lung cancer patients. At present 60% to 70% of cancer patients need radiotherapy. Cancer radiation treatment can inhibit the cancer cells to growth and control lung cancer.

Second kind of Lung Cancer Treatments-Radiation Therapy The principles of radiation therapy is that radiation can induce certain chemical reactions in cell, tissue and organs, damage and prevent cell division with causing changes in the structure of biological molecules. Because of vigorous metabolism, tumor cells in the breeding division season are more sensitive to radiation, so radiation can kill tumor cells without serious damage to normal tissue.

Currently radiation used in cancer radiotherapy are mainly three types: ? a, b, g-ray produced by radioisotope; ?different energy X-ray produced by X-line treatment machine and all kind of accelerators; ? electron beam, proton beam, neutron beam, the negative p meson beam and so on produced by various accelerator.

Cancer radiation therapy can generally be divided into two kinds: external-beam radiation and internal radiation treatment.

External-beam radiation therapy is a kind of therapy that radiation focuses and exposure a certain part of patients in a certain distance, it can be divided into close distance irradiation (15 ~ 40 cm) and long distance irradiation (60 to 150 cm) from the range of Irradiation distance.

Internal radiation treatment is directly put radioactive objects into the tumor (such as skin cancer, tongue cancer, breast cancer, etc. ) or organs near cancer cells (such as esophageal, cervical, colorectal, etc. ) to irradiate, called interstitial irradiation and intracavitary irradiation.

Radiation therapy is one of three lung cancer treatments, it may cause cancer patients varying degrees of systemic and local reactions. Patients may experience hair loss, skin reactions, vomiting and others.

During lung cancer treatments patients should live in a reasonable arrangements to ensure adequate sleep and rest, do not do strenuous exercise or manual work, eat more fresh food rich in high protein and vitamins, avoid eating spicy food or smoking and drinking. Patients should keep Irradiated skin clean, it cannot be washed or clutch and avoid mosquito bites.

About the Author

Radiation Therapy Second Kind Of Lung Cancer Treatments. http://www.cancer-c.com is a new star of Cancer Rehabilitation Website it will be to provide the latest information about Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) Breast cancer treatment lung cancer mesothelioma treatment Cancer Rehabilitation info

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