How much would a chest x-ray cost to diagnose lung cancer?

Question by GoldRenamon: How much would a chest x-ray cost to diagnose lung cancer?
My very close friend is having problems with breathing, and he’s feeling some back and chest pain. He’s lived in a house with a smoker for a long time, and he believes that it could be lung cancer. He’s nearly broke, his family won’t do anything to help him, and he has no insurance. Now we’re wondering how much a chest x-ray would cost to check out if he has any sort of lung cancer. He lives in Wisconsin if that helps in anyway.

Best answer:

Answer by Spreedog
How old is your friend? If he is young, it probably isn’t a primary lung carcinoma.
Only about 3% of primary lung carcinomas occur in people under 45 years of age.
A simple PA and lateral chest x-ray should be less than $ 200,
but it varies all over the country.
Wisconsin – I do not know. Expense could vary from city to rural areas.
Of course no x-ray ever diagnoses a malignant disease.
Only a biopsy can make a diagnosis of a cancer type.

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