How to reduce the risk of lung cancer

How to reduce the risk of lung cancer

Article by Johansson Scarlett

Lung cancer is one of the most death leading cancer throughout world and second important cancer after skin, eve though easily avoidable cancer and smoking is the most cause of cancer . like other cancers, lung cancer take too much time growth but once reach in late stage very difficult to treatment. Anybody easily prevent and reduce the risk of improving in the center stage.

Beside smoking, there are also many other risk factors involves linked having lung cancers, at the some time the other causes like genetic inclination and considered as non-risk factors. Let us discuss some important risk factors of lung cancer and preventing process.

– Prevent Smoking

Through various cancer researchers we come to know that immediate you can reduce risk of lung cancer as soon as you stop any type of smoking even though the period of your smoking still would allow to face risk at any stage than non smoker. You can realize dramatically lessen of develop lung cancer preventing flaccid smoking even also second hand smoking.

Console and test to measure the percentage of the radon level indoors.

like smoking indoor levels of radiation elements radon would improve the risk of having cancer in lung and hence if you are surviving in industry area that contain more radon substance in soil, so check the indoor level of this substance and take necessary steps to prevent probable exposure . Today medical science patient can go for different tests or scan under guideline of physicians.

Prevent exposure to environment pollutants

nitrous oxide, diesel fumes, prolonged exposure and other environmental pollutants are nowadays linking in having risk of lung cancer. There for I am suggest you as per as possible stay way from crowds like schools, colleges, workstations and other pullulated.

– stay and Eat healthy

Be serious on choosing food items, always add fresh fruits and green vegetables in your food chart , and also drink sufficient water. Healthy eating not only help to lessen diseases like cancers and other, also help people to stay long time young and glow throughout life. Healthy eating helps improve our thinking power.

– Daily Exercise

According to the researchers in-order to stay healthy and lung cancer risk free you must do exercise minimum 40 minutes each day. Everybody should do exercise two time that is morning and evening. By morning exercise our entire day spend very peaceful and complete all work without stress.

Lastly I will suggest one step that spend more time research to know basic cause and avoiding method of cancer.

About the Author

Johansson Scarlett, the author, is an online business entrepreneur. I have written many article related blogging,SEO, lung cancer treatment, travel,lung cancer, gadgets and health. Now I am the CEO of two company A1 Health News and Odishasys

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