Q&A: Can Lung Cancer be detected in a chest x-ray when you have pneumonia?

Question by exposions: Can Lung Cancer be detected in a chest x-ray when you have pneumonia?
I recently went in to the doctor because I had a persistent cough. It started at the beginning of summer, lasted for about 6 weeks and went away for about a month. Then my cough came back and I went to the doctor for it again. They took a chest x-ray as well as a CVC. They ultimately concluded that it was walking pneumonia and sent me off with Pulmicort Flexhaler. After a couple of days I wasn’t getting better so I went back to the doctor and they gave me a z-pack, some cough medicine, and prednisone(sp?). Although my cough seems to be getting better I am still having small chest pains and it is igniting my fears of lung cancer. My question is, although I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia, would the doctor have been able to tell if a lung tumor was present in my x-ray or could there have been a mistake?

Best answer:

Answer by Lauren
if it is large enough it would of showed on an x-ray. I would give it another week or so and then go back. Pneumonia can take 3 months to fully go away. I know someone who had a very small tumor of lung cancer and he started coughing blood, it is probably lingering pneumonia. Rest as much as possible and any doubt call for an appointment.

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