I have small cell lung cancer and looking for help?

Question by mjbntx: I have small cell lung cancer and looking for help?
I am a 5? yr old female recently diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. I am desparately looking for message boards and/or chat rooms etc. where I can ask questions of those that have had it longer than I have, possibly answer some ?s that I may have experienced and interact with others that are living with sclc and possibly others that know of alternative treatments and/or meds that will help me with this battle.
Thanx M.J.

Best answer:

Answer by quijibored
Here is the listing for the ACOR SCLC listserv. It currently has 145 members who either have SCLC or are caregivers. ACOR maintains private lists for about 175 different types of cancer and cancer related issues. The lists are moderated to stop spam, etc. SCLC is a tough one so I highly recommend you join and also read the Archives which will be full of valuable info.


I do not have SCLC but the treatment is exactly the same for the cancer that I do have so I know what you will be going through. I recently finished my second cycle of chemo after having had radiotherapy.

good luck

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