Is there anything out there to treat the symptoms of lung cancer?

Question by setashort55: Is there anything out there to treat the symptoms of lung cancer?
There is a family friend that has stage 4 liver cancer and after a recent scan they have found spots on her lung. She is curently undergoing chemo therapy weekly but the symptoms of the lung cancer is what is alling her. She is short of breathe, fever, cough. Right now we are more interested in cureing the symptoms than the cancer. Is there any treatment out there that would help with the symtoms?

If are in the medical industry or have been through this please make sure to tell me in your answer.
Also she has never been a drinker or smoker.

Best answer:

Answer by Rob
You didnt hear this from me, but marijuana will help with the symptoms, especially the nausa. She obviously cant smoke it, but she can bake them into brownies. Otherwise have her MAKE her doctor get her on some painkiller of some kind like vicodin. Good luck and I hope she makes it.

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