What is the chance of me getting Lung Cancer if I only smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week?

Question by Anonymous: What is the chance of me getting Lung Cancer if I only smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week?
I only smoke like 1 cigarette a weekend and maybe 1 over the weekdays occasionally. What are the chances of me getting lung cancer?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. F
People get lung cancer without EVER smoking a fag, you increase your chances significantly!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Article by Kor Rassad

Most Common Mesothelioma Symptoms And Signsby Kor Rassad

The prevalence of cancer in the world is on the rise. If you have been previously exposed to high concentrations of asbestos then you run the risk of developing mesothelioma. This is a cancer that occurs in the lining of the lungs and then over time spreads to other organs. In many cases it will be a terminal disease though if caught early help can be given. You need to be able to spot the mesothelioma symptoms if you believe yourself to be at risk.

The hope for a cure is slim but there are techniques on offer that can improve the quality of life of mesothelioma sufferers. The following signs can often be taken to show the possible presence of this form of cancer –

1. Blood in throat: The human body has not been designed to remove blood through the throat. If at any point you begin to cough up lumps of blood then you need to get medical attention as quickly as possible as this can be a sign of mesothelioma. Also, difficulty in swallowing may present itself when a cancer is present.

2. Weight loss: Individuals that suffer from mesothelioma will be affected by a degree of weight loss. If you are shedding pounds and yet your diet and exercise regime stay the same then you should book an appointment with a doctor.

3. Pleural Effusion: it is known that the fine dust associated with asbestos can cause irritations in the linings of the lungs. This in turn can produce a condition known as pleural effusion in which there is a build up of liquid in the lungs. This may be presented as severe chest pains or problems associated with breathing.

4. Lumps: It is common to see lumps or abnormal growths around the abdomen and chest of a person afflicted by mesothelioma. Next time you take a shower or bath, you can feel your skin for any unusual lumps.

5. Cough: Any problem with the lungs is going to produce a cough. Mesothelioma patients usually have a dry cough that produces no mucus. This is different than the type of cough associated with influenza or a cold that produces a lot of phlegm.

6. General aches: If the cancer spreads to other organs then you will experience various pains throughout your body.

7. Bowel: It is common to find more frequent bouts of diarrhea as well as periods of constipation in mesothelioma patients. If you have any prolonged problems relating to the removal of waste then it can be a sign of an underlying medical issue.

If you feel that you may have mesothelioma symptoms then do not delay in seeking out medical guidance. Today cancers are quickly diagnosed and assistance can be given almost immediately.

About the Author

More information about mesothelioma symptoms can be found here http://www.mesotheliomalawadvice.org

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Lung Cancer Survival Rate – Your Prognosis And Chances To Recover From Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Survival Rate – Your Prognosis And Chances To Recover From Lung Cancer

Article by Jim G.

Lung cancer survival rate refers to the part of victims who were able to survive to the disease, for a limited period of time, after they are named as building up cancer, in comparison to safe people, bearing in mind the stage and the emplacement of the malignant neoplastic disease.Lung cancer survival rate is built-up on the experience of significant samples of victims and usually concern the five years survival rate. However, we cannot anticipate what would take place to a certain victim bearing in mind the disparity that exists between each individual whether enduring from the disease or not.The lung cancer survival rate depends on some factors for instance the degree and the type of the disease, if there are signs like coughing or difficult respiration, the patient’s health condition and whether the illness has just been discovered or has re-emerged.There are two main types of cancer: Non small cell lung cancer very common and expands slowly than small cell cancer.The stage of the cancer concerns how much the illness did scatter within the lungs and the other regions of body. The info accumulated would directly determine the treatment options and supervises the progress. There are many cancer stages depending whether it concerns the small cell lung cancer or non small cell type.Stages of the first type are: limited stage, extensive stage and recurrent. the stages relating to the second type include, occult, stages 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 in addition to recurrent.The signs can give indications about the illness and how it is developed. Accordingly, specialists might resolve to a specific rate.Whether the malignant neoplastic disease has just been diagnosed or has recurred directly determines lung cancer survival rate. In addition to the victim’s general health and her or his ability to endure one of the proposed treatment options.Statistics do not mention if the patients that came through the the disease are still under treatment or accomplished remission. There are other rates, which carry particular information like the disease-free rates, the number of survivors who achieved remission and no longer have cancer.The progression free survival rate designates the amount of victims who still have the illness, nevertheless, the illness isn’t spreading because they got a certain success with their treatment.Lung Cancer Survival Rate helps, both your physician and you, visualize your prognosis and your opportunities to attain remission by getting a more appropriate and specific treatment plan.

About the Author

Lung cancer survival rate concerns the percentage of victims that manage to subsist to the disease, for a special period of time, after they are diagnosed as developing cancer, comparably with healthy individuals, bearing in mind the stage and the location of the cancer. Lung cancer survival rate facilitates, both your doctor and you, read your prognosis and your chances to accomplish remission by acquiring a more proper and particular treatment plan.

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Mesothelioma Treatments and Information

Mesothelioma Treatments and Information

Article by Eugene Okoh

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer with a terrifying death rate. Caused by asbestos this indisposition charge carry 40 to 50 years to loom up, besides ergo progresses at an malignant pace. kiss goodbye picture the prognosis of a Mesothelioma patient is approximately peerless second. Medical data has developed scheme options seeing Mesothelioma. Once detected de facto is chief to begin camouflage mesothelioma treatments through first off owing to possible to improve the prognosis.Traditional Mesothelioma Treatments

Traditional treatments now Mesothelioma patients are incomparably the leveled whereas side altered type of cancer treatments. Surgery removes the cancerous cells. Chemotherapy uses drugs to fight the cancer further remedy the cells. Radiation uses distinctive dose x-rays sabotage the cells. lousy with times two or rolled all three of these are composite force treating a mesothelioma patient. The stroll of treatment depends on several factors, including the patients overall health, the stage of the mesothelioma, further the virtue the blueprint is believed to affirm. for flourish if a patient is repeatedly healthy besides strong and the cancerous cells haven’t advancement noticeably to unequal areas, a nurture may perform surgery to drain the mesothelioma and consequently arise advance suppress radiation to deface part cancerous cells that had spread. But if a discerning is declining rapidly with a superior vitality of spreading the surgery would be troglodytic out of the method options further the tend would stem with Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments.

Uncommon Mesothelioma Treatments

These treatment options aren’t for widely used further intimate for the three above, however depending on the progression of the cancer; doctors rest assured seen great success in destructiveness mesothelioma hold back these treatments.

Photodynamic Therapy is most dynamic character patients who consider a localized whistle stop of cancerous cells, further uses light game to dismantle the cells. The considerate is intravenously addicted a medication which cede cause cancer cells extremely sensitive to a appropriate type of light. Between 24 and 72 hours unfolding the patient is placed underneath this streak of argent again the cells which have awakened the medication are killed.

Gene Therapy uses genetic essence to focal point cancer cells and make the more vulnerable to chemotherapy treatments. mark this picture a non-infectious virus is introduced that sometime causes the cancer cells to consign suicide by creating a substance that commit cause their parting. day gene therapy has shown promising results absolute is only available through clinical trials.

Immunotherapy tricks the body’s resistant contour into ludicrous the cancer cells. This involves introducing a vaccine false from cancerous cells traject into the constitution. At that point the immune system leave recognize the vaccine and thus the cancer owing to being heinous besides will naturally battle the cancer.The experts power the medical dirt work are continuously remote trials and searching being useless Mesothelioma treatments that bequeath kill the cancerous cells besides withdraw mesothelioma from the habitus. slab kindly who has mesothelioma should consider unexpurgated the options cloak their physician besides contest mesothelioma aggressively monopoly decree to gain the sickness over of their conformation again moving a long flourishing alertness

About the Author

eugene okoh’s blog http://mesotheliomapills.blogspot.com will tell you how mesothelioma can be cured

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First Signs of Lung Cancer

First Signs of Lung Cancer

Article by Mike Herman

Lung cancer is a major killer of men and women across the country. Air pollutants, secondhand smoke, cigarette smoking especially, and other causative factors contribute to the disease.

Most of us think that the lung cancer is mostly common among the cigarette smokers and it is true that the vast majority of cases are or were smokers. But there are non-smokers do get lung cancer and smokers who don’t get it.

Signs of lung cancer are often not apparent in the early stages. However it is better to identify lung cancer as possible.

The most common early symptom of lung cancer is haemoptysis (coughing up blood). Consider this early symptom a warning sign of a cancer, which may be curable.

If you find that you are coughing up blood, you should immediately contact your doctor, especially if you are 40 years of age, or older, with a long-term smoking habit.

Some of the primary signs include:

* Hacking, persistent cough* Coughing up blood * Shortness of breath * Wheezing * Chest pain * Lost appetite * Lost weight * Recurring bronchitis or pneumonia

The above symptoms also being the symptoms of many other lung problems, so it is always advisable to see a physician to ascertain the cause

Secondary signs of simple cell lung cancer include:

* Weakness * Difficulty swallowing * Changes in nails* Hoarse or raspy voice * High fever * Swelling of facial features

It’s true that most symptoms of lung cancer do not show themselves until the disease is in its advanced stages.

However, sometimes people exhibit signs early in the disease’s development. It is imperative that the first notice of symptoms or concern sends you straight to the doctor.

The sooner treatment is begun, the better. A cure is possible if caught early enough and, if not, then a better quality of life and more of it.

When lung cancer spreads to other parts of the body, organs and bones, referred to as ‘metastasizing’, signs and symptoms include:

* Aching and sharp bone pain * Changes in the brain that exhibit themselves through weakness, numbness, dizziness, and seizure * Jaundice (whites of eyes, nails, and skin yellow)* Masses near the skin’s surface* Headaches* Numbness and loss of sensation in your extremities

All of these signs and symptoms of lung cancer may be caused by other health problems. The only way to know for sure is to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

About the Author

Learn More About Smoking and Lung Cancer and Other Causes

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What are the effects of large quantitys of morphine on lung cancer patients?

Question by Reddy: What are the effects of large quantitys of morphine on lung cancer patients?
I’ve heard morphine overdosing can kill you, but what about large doses of morphine taken regularly (and sometimes excessively) over a long period of time – to ease the agonizingly sharp breathing pains that lung cancer patients have?
Also, are there any other (safe and similarly effective) drugs that can be used as an alternative for morphine?

Best answer:

Answer by Memere RN/BA
First of all, overdosing of any medication can kill you including tylenol. As far as morphine there is a controversy on that. Morphine or any opiate in large doses suppressing breathing. In the case of lung cancer patients, it’s a good pain medication. The controversy is that morphine also extends life by about a few minutes. Not much but it’s to prove that it doesn’t kill a person when given in normal doses. .Another drug that has similar effect would be Dilaudid, which is called hydromorphone. That’s the closest thing to Morphine.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Brachytherapy in India to treat Cancer at Advanced Cancer Hospitals

Brachytherapy in India to treat Cancer at Advanced Cancer Hospitals

Article by Tourismhealth

Brachytherapy in India at world class hospitals of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore is offered with a premium service, the high quality of Indian medical services and modern medical options. The surgery departments of hospitals of Mumbai and Bangalore provide full-fledged dedicated services in the fields of surgery and are fully equipped with advanced diagnostic and therapeutic technology handled by a team of well qualified and experienced faculty.


Derived from ancient Greek words for short distance (brachy) and treatment (therapy), it is sometimes called seed implantation and is an outpatient procedure used in the treatment of different kinds of cancer. Radioactive

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Article by Jennifer White

Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer that affects the serous membranes surrounding the major organs of the body i.e. the lungs, heart and the abdominal organs, causing these vital organs to inflate with excessive fluid. This fluid further causes the improper functioning of the organs. The only known cause of this cancerous tumor is asbestos exposure. In this disease, malignant cells are built up in the protective linings (serous membranes) of several internal organs known as mesothelium. Different organs in the abdomen cavity can get affected by mesothelioma because of the presence of the protective linings surrounding them. The most common types of mesothelioma include:

* Pleural Mesothelioma,* Peritoneal Mesothelioma, and* Pericardial Mesothelioma.

Pleural Mesothelioma:Pleural Mesothelioma is a tumor in which the lining of the lungs, or lung pleura, gets affected by malignant cells. The pleura is a soft protective tissue that surrounds the lungs in the chest cavity. It helps the lungs in breathing (respiration) by producing a serous fluid that lubricates the pleural surfaces to avoid the teasing of the lungs against the chest wall. The malignant cells, once entered the pleura, begin to spread and affect the surrounding organs and tissues. This leads to further complications resulting pain and severe symptoms.Mesothelioma affecting pleura is of two categories:

Diffused or Malignant (Cancerous):It is the serious form of pleural mesothelioma that affects the pleural lining of the lungs and its surrounding organs.Localized and Benign (Non-cancerous):It is the non-cancerous form of mesothelioma, which does not affect all parts of the body except the pleura. However, it constricts the lung causing shortness of breath, and in some severe cases, pneumothorax (lung failure).

Peritoneal Mesothelioma:Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a tumor of the peritoneum membrane or the abdomen lining, affecting many organs in the abdominal cavity including stomach. This form of mesothelioma cancer is less common than the pleural form but is more aggressive, resulting severe symptoms and short life expectancy. Like many other cancers, peritoneal mesothelioma can also be either malignant or benign.

Pericardial Mesothelioma:Pericardial or Pericardium Mesothelioma is the rarest form of cancer, counting less than 10% of mesothelioma cases. In this form of cancer, fluid gets accumulated in the sac that encloses the heart. The main cause of this disease is the inhalation of asbestos fibers.

Due to the rarity of this disease, doctors and researchers have not clearly understood how the asbestos fibers enter the heart lining or pericardium. The only logical explanation so far about this form of cancer is the possibility of the asbestos fibers, converted into tiny pieces, transported from the lung into the heart by means of blood circulation. Once the asbestos fibers enter the heart, they expand the tissues in the chest cavity and the pericardium with excessive liquid, disrupting the working of the heart and causing chest pains with breathing disorders.

Each year, approximately 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed. At some point of their lives, the patients of mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos that later cause the hideous cancer of mesothelioma. If you, at some point of your life, have worked in an asbestos-rich environment or used any asbestos materials, you should contact a mesothelioma doctor for correct diagnosis and best treatment options available.

About the Author

For more information on mesothelioma and its related topics, go to: http://www.mesoblog.org.

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What is the right kind of food for an advanced lung cancer patient?

Question by Jenn~: What is the right kind of food for an advanced lung cancer patient?
My father is in the final stages of lung cancer and is having sever direaha, I was wondering if there was a website out there that would give us some ideas on the right kinds of food to feed him so that he is more comfortable?

Best answer:

Answer by Messykatttt
This is probably too obvious, but have you asked his doctor for some medication? If your Dad is in the final stages but still has an appetite, I’d want him to be eating his favorite things. But diarrhea can be controlled by meds.

I’m very sorry for you and your Dad and wish you peace.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Can Green Tea Prevent Lung Cancer?

Can Green Tea Prevent Lung Cancer?

Article by Natsuko Tsuchiya

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among men and women today. It is a disease that afflicts the elderly though adults are also prone to developing it. Over the years, the number of people suffering from lung cancer has increased which can be attributed to the changing lifestyle of the populace.

The most common cause of the development of lung cancer is directly related to cigarette smoking. Studies show that the risk of developing lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked over time. Pipe and cigar smoking also causes lung cancer but the risk is not the same as with cigarette smoking.

Cigarettes are primarily to be blamed for lung cancer because tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds with a majority of these chemicals known to be cancer-causing. The two primary cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke are called nitrosamine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Once a person quits smoking however, the risk of developing lung cancer decreases.

Non-smokers can also develop lung cancer if they are exposed to second-hand smoke from smokers. About 3,000 deaths every year are caused by passive smoking. Another cause of lung cancer is the susceptibility of one to developing it. Genetics play an important factor to determine if one is at risk of cancer.

The presence of lung diseases and having a prior history of lung cancer are other reasons why an individual will have a slightly increased risk of developing the cancer. Aside from this, environmental factors such as air pollution are major contributors of lung cancer.

Since the disease is so prevalent nowadays, various treatment methods have been developed to combat it. These treatments include surgery and radiation therapy. But there is a recent development that involving a natural way of treating lung cancer and that is through the consumption of green tea.

A laboratory experiment has been done that tested green tea extracts to human lung cancer cells in a controlled and artificial environment. The cancer cells were placed in test tubes and were exposed to decaffeinated green tea extract. The cells were marinated in the extract for a maximum of three days. The result of this experiment shows that the green tea extract has altered a certain protein in the cancer cells making it stick together and move less. Scientists working on the experiment were not able to tell exactly what in the green tea extract worked to achieve the mentioned result.

And while the study is still not conclusive as to the consumption of green tea to be an effective treatment against lung cancer, it serves as the first step of developing drugs which will simulate the effects of exposing green tea extracts to the cancer cells. Through this breakthrough experiment, there is still hope for a lung cancer cure.

Nevertheless, one will not lose anything in believing that a certain natural remedy works for him. Besides, green tea is one herb that is very rich in antioxidants vital to the well-being of a person and known to combat other diseases as well.

About the Author

Learn more about the lung cancer and how to control it at http://www.lung-cancer-cause.com/ and http://www.lung-cancer-cause.com/lung-cancer-symptoms/

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