Tag Archives: first

who was the first person to notice lung cancer?

Question by Daniii: who was the first person to notice lung cancer? im doing a research project on lung cancer. i need to find somebody associated with my topic. I wanted to pick the first person to notice lung cancer. … Continue reading

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Q&A: Who was the first person do “discover” lung cancer?

Question by Kels: Who was the first person do “discover” lung cancer? I am doing a research paper for my heath class, and Im doing mine on lung cancer. One of the things we need to have in our report … Continue reading

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First Signs of Lung Cancer

First Signs of Lung Cancer Article by Mike Herman Lung cancer is a major killer of men and women across the country. Air pollutants, secondhand smoke, cigarette smoking especially, and other … Continue reading

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The First Three Steps to Take Following a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

The First Three Steps to Take Following a Mesothelioma Diagnosis Article by Shane Lima Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos, a material that was routinely … Continue reading

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What are the first signs of Lung Cancer?

Question by jayjay: What are the first signs of Lung Cancer? Hopefully you can tell me from your own personal story. Hubby is not a smoker but he is a deputy sheriff and he has spent alot of time in … Continue reading

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