Q&A: Someone has a life insurance policy and states non smoker but they are dying from lung cancer?

Question by hot lips: Someone has a life insurance policy and states non smoker but they are dying from lung cancer?
This policy is about 18 years old and recently an agent was out to update the policy and i am not sure any changes were made as it would have been very apparent that this person smokes now. Since then they found out they are dying of lung cancer should they notify the agent that they are a smoker even though they are already dying? There is no current dec page stating if that was changed or not. Can the policy be voided?

Best answer:

Answer by Ashley R
Possibly, especially if the corner marks smoking as a possible cause of death. A lot of places will mark smoking as a cause of death even if it was through an unrelated cause so you may be out of luck. I’d go over the terms of the insurance policy very carefully, it should answer your question.

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