Tag Archives: chances

What are a person’s chances of getting lung cancer who are smokers?

Question by devon.fowler: What are a person’s chances of getting lung cancer who are smokers? I’ve smoked hard for 4 years and light for 5 years what are my chances of getting lung cancer now that I’ve quit for a … Continue reading

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What are the chances of a 16 year old getting lung cancer?

Question by Brianna: What are the chances of a 16 year old getting lung cancer? I get chest pains and shoulder pains kind of a lot also in my collar bones. I have trouble breathing a lot. Before I just … Continue reading

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What are the chances of survival from Lung Cancer?

Question by Erica: What are the chances of survival from Lung Cancer? My mother in law has just found out she has lung cancer and a tumor in her lung. She will be getting surgery to remove the tumor tomorrow. … Continue reading

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What are the chances of actually getting lung cancer from smoking?

Question by Asandi: What are the chances of actually getting lung cancer from smoking? I’m 19, and have only smoked for maybe a year, but my parents always smoked so I got second hand smoke form that mostly all my … Continue reading

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Q&A: What are the chances of me getting lung cancer?

Question by Mark: What are the chances of me getting lung cancer? My dad has lung cancer he just got it like a year ago (non smoker)? so does this make me have a bigger chance of getting it? Best … Continue reading

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What are my chances of surviving lung cancer with treatment?

Question by Kailah S: What are my chances of surviving lung cancer with treatment? My doctor found a spot called a pulmonary nodule on my lung that may or may not be cancerous. Im worried that it is. What are … Continue reading

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