Tag Archives: year

Does the lung cancer occur because of a large amount of second hand smoke of one year?

Question by : Does the lung cancer occur because of a large amount of second hand smoke of one year? In the case of Squamous cell lung cancer. Best answer: Answer by Wonder Wheelthere’s not even DEFINITIVE proof that DIRECT … Continue reading

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Q&A: what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old?

Question by Crystal: what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old? what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old if she is around smoke all the time.. like if her … Continue reading

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What are the chances of a 16 year old getting lung cancer?

Question by Brianna: What are the chances of a 16 year old getting lung cancer? I get chest pains and shoulder pains kind of a lot also in my collar bones. I have trouble breathing a lot. Before I just … Continue reading

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