Tag Archives: lung

Q&A: Can i get financial assistance to care for my dad that has late stage lung cancer?

Question by mysticrelation: Can i get financial assistance to care for my dad that has late stage lung cancer? Just finding out my dad has lung cancer i need to go back and help care for him in his final … Continue reading

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About what percent of all lung cancer is inherited?

Question by need-to-know person: About what percent of all lung cancer is inherited? I’m doing some research on cancer for school, and I wanted to know how much heredity factors in for lung cancer. If you could give me a … Continue reading

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Ex-Smokers Reduce The Risk Of Lung Cancer – Quit Smoking Today

Ex-Smokers Reduce The Risk Of Lung Cancer – Quit Smoking Today Further evidence that, from a health standpoint, it is never too late to quit cigarette smoking was presented by a New Jersey pathologist who found that in former smokers, … Continue reading

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Q&A: Can you get lung cancer from fiberglass insulation?

Question by Soundra: Can you get lung cancer from fiberglass insulation? You can get lung cancer from asbestos because it puts fiber in the lungs and the body doesn’t know how to expel it. Wouldn’t the same logic be used … Continue reading

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What are some of the symptoms of Lung Cancer?

Question by Revla: What are some of the symptoms of Lung Cancer? Write a paragraph about the symptoms of Lung cancer 5-8 sentences in detail. My firend might have it she wants to know. Best answer: Answer by Pearl NFatique … Continue reading

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Biomarkers helping research teams in early lung cancer diagnose

Biomarkers helping research teams in early lung cancer diagnose Researchers in America believe they may have found a way to help in early diagnose of lung cancer cases, two years before it can be picked up using CT scans. Tests … Continue reading

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Is there any correlation between breast cancer and lung cancer?

Question by Judy A: Is there any correlation between breast cancer and lung cancer? I am a 52 year ol;d female. Ten years ago I was diagnosed with lobular carcinoma of the breast (in-situ) and had bilateral mastectomies. My mother … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer Stage 3B – Incredibly Severe, But Treatment Is Still Prevalent

Lung Cancer Stage 3B – Incredibly Severe, But Treatment Is Still Prevalent Article by Marc Vazquez If your test results came back great, then congratulations, but do not forget this expertise … Continue reading

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What are the chances and signs of lung cancer?

Question by !Waffle Bear!: What are the chances and signs of lung cancer? I want to know because my mom smoked in the house with me since i was like 3! I try not to worry but when I go … Continue reading

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LUNG CANCER TREATMENT IN INDIA AT AFFORDABLE COST Article by Pankaj Nagpal ? cancer starts in the cells of the lung .The lungs are in the chest on either side of … Continue reading

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