What organizations can help a person suffering fron lung cancer?

Question by MILLET: What organizations can help a person suffering fron lung cancer?
The patient has no employment income and is the head of the family. He is suffering from malignant lung cancer (stage 4). Please provide any information on organizations or individuals who are willing to help or donate medicines for cancer patients. Thank you for your help and advise.

Best answer:

Answer by msmagoo
I would contact hospice that is free. If there in stage 4 now then your running out of time here. I would also contact all the churches in your town. They never turn anyone away. They will help with food, shelter. United ways helps people. You did not state what kind of help you in need of. So I offer you my prayers, I know that may not seem like a lot, but I am honored to pray for you and the family. God bless you all.

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