Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

Q&A: How long does it take to get lung cancer?

Question by Chris: How long does it take to get lung cancer? I’m 15. I don’t live in a polluted area. I smoke marijuana maybe 10 times a year. I’ve had 1 drag of a tobacco cigarette. I have a … Continue reading

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How can you tell if someone has lung cancer?

Question by Bill: How can you tell if someone has lung cancer? My boss lost a lot of weight I think he has lung cancer. He keep coughing and he looks very week . When he does cough it is … Continue reading

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What are the chances of me getting lung cancer?

Question by : What are the chances of me getting lung cancer? I’m twelve and my mom and her bf both smoke cigarettes and weed so what are the chances of me getting lung cancer? Best answer: Answer by Beauch12,000% … Continue reading

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What is the probability of death due to lung cancer given that the person is a smoker?

Question by Tuitogamaatoe: What is the probability of death due to lung cancer given that the person is a smoker? Let S be the event the person smokes, L be the event that a person dies due to lung cancer. … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer?

Question by juiceysoul: Lung Cancer? I smoked for a little over 5 years, about a pack a day, and i quit last november. ever since i quit i have frequently felt as though there is some phlegm stuck in the … Continue reading

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lung cancer?

Question by bsmclellan: lung cancer? please help me my mom has lung cancer she has being through chemo and radiation, last treatment june 30th since then she just hasnt being the same but in the last three weeks she seems … Continue reading

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Q&A: Lung Cancer??

Question by kc: Lung Cancer?? my mom was just diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, it’s in her lungs and brain & is at stage four. What are her chances of survival?? Best answer: Answer by WorldClassPlayerI’m very sorry to … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer…?

Question by BlackIronZepp666: Lung Cancer…? My grandfather was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. The strange thing is, he had a PET scan about a year ago, and it showed nothing cancerous. He also said he had no irregular breathing. I … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer?

Question by Jocelyn: Lung Cancer? what lifestyle changes can you make to prevent the disease? what can you to to improve your health once you have lung cancer? what problems or health related issues do you have to watch out … Continue reading

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Lung cancer?

Question by Kerry-Louise: Lung cancer? Can someone please tell me the symptoms of lung cancer please, and dont tell me to search it because I have but want more info maybe personal experiences? Thank you Best answer: Answer by kountrygrlMy … Continue reading

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