Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

Q&A: Lung cancer?

Question by Lilaznboi2011: Lung cancer? Just recently my grandma had caught pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. She was lucky that she had no fluids in her lungs when they took X-Ray of her chest. So she got discharged 2 … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer?

Question by C B: Lung Cancer? My mother in-law had breast cancer in 03 she under went the surgery and chemo treatments and was cancer free, so she thought she requested a PET scan as she works at the Cleveland … Continue reading

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lung cancer?

Question by Zidane rocks: lung cancer? i was at a friend s house for a few hours. his mom smokes.can i get lung cancer. so can i get lung cancer? Best answer: Answer by AriasCigarette smoking is the most significant … Continue reading

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lung cancer?

Question by slim_03: lung cancer? A lung cancer patient has low sodium and each time the sodium goes low he hallucinates. There is no drastic abnormalty in his blood tests done , his electrolytes are normal , what is causing … Continue reading

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lung cancer???

Question by dgafdaveo13: lung cancer??? ok first off im 21 years old and ive been having this problem for a while now and would like some professional opinions. here is whats going on. i have shortness of breath at points … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer?

Question by Mommy to Joshua: Lung Cancer? I just found out…. about 30 minutes ago that my Aunt has Lung Cancer. I’ve looked it up and done some reading. but my brain is kind of “moosh” right now since the … Continue reading

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Q&A: Lung Cancer?

Question by Debbie W: Lung Cancer? I just found out that my dog has lung cancer.The vet says because of her age that doing any kind of treatment is not recommended. I need to know if there is any other … Continue reading

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What to do for my grandma who is dying from lung cancer?

Question by ♫Lines, Vines, & Trying Times♫: What to do for my grandma who is dying from lung cancer? Today, my grandma found out her lung cancer was winning and she is too weak to get chemotherapy anymore. She was … Continue reading

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How long to live or whats the survival rate of lung cancer?

Question by Anthony B: How long to live or whats the survival rate of lung cancer? lung cancer has spread-ed not to the brain but the bones actually, how long to live or whats the survival rate if i go … Continue reading

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What is the chance of me getting Lung Cancer if I only smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week?

Question by Anonymous: What is the chance of me getting Lung Cancer if I only smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week? I only smoke like 1 cigarette a weekend and maybe 1 over the weekdays occasionally. What are the … Continue reading

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