Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

What are the effects of large quantitys of morphine on lung cancer patients?

Question by Reddy: What are the effects of large quantitys of morphine on lung cancer patients? I’ve heard morphine overdosing can kill you, but what about large doses of morphine taken regularly (and sometimes excessively) over a long period of … Continue reading

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What is the right kind of food for an advanced lung cancer patient?

Question by Jenn~: What is the right kind of food for an advanced lung cancer patient? My father is in the final stages of lung cancer and is having sever direaha, I was wondering if there was a website out … Continue reading

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Can you get lung cancer from one of your famliy members that smokes and you dont?

Question by heely_girl12: Can you get lung cancer from one of your famliy members that smokes and you dont? My dad smokes since he was 18 years old. Can I get lung cancer from him even if i dont smoke? … Continue reading

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My mother has lung cancer and her tumor marker came back with a count of 80. How high can it go?

Question by My mother has lung cancer and her tumor marker came back with a count of 80. How high can it go? She was diagnosed over 3 years ago with lung cancer. She did not want chemo or … Continue reading

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Q&A: Why are some people so insensitive to people with lung cancer?

Question by joe_T: Why are some people so insensitive to people with lung cancer? I have a friend who drank alcohol and smoked for years. You really couldn’t find a nicer person. When he got lung cancer, somebody said he … Continue reading

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What is the correct definition of lung cancer?

Question by twiins: What is the correct definition of lung cancer? I searched up the definition of lung cancer, and went to many websites and they all give me a different meaning of the word. Best answer: Answer by notalonewithcancerLung … Continue reading

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When you start smoking, how long will it take for you to develop lung cancer?

Question by ladyluck: When you start smoking, how long will it take for you to develop lung cancer? Is it possible to smoke and never develop lung cancer? I don’t smoke but my daughter and son-in-law do .They are so … Continue reading

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Which would be a good topic to research on Lung Cancer or Tuberculosis?

Question by HK: Which would be a good topic to research on Lung Cancer or Tuberculosis? You see, i have been researching and plus is there a cure for Lung Cancer? I can’t research both and i just wanted a … Continue reading

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What are my chances of getting lung cancer?

Question by LifeInMyHands: What are my chances of getting lung cancer? My mom and uncle smoke twenty-four-seven, I’ve been around it since I was born, I’m fourteen-years-old, it’s always in my face, and it’s all second-hand. What are my chances … Continue reading

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How do I get financial help for Uncle with Lung Cancer?

Question by LeeBee: How do I get financial help for Uncle with Lung Cancer? My uncle just found out he has lung cancer. His job has let him go and they are taking his insurance from him. Worse yet, he … Continue reading

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