If a person has lung cancer and lymph nodes are discovered there, can they be cured with radiation or chemo?

Question by veradecker02: If a person has lung cancer and lymph nodes are discovered there, can they be cured with radiation or chemo?
My sister was operated on for lung cancer, the mass removed. Now doctors have discoverd lymph nodes at the top of her lungs and are suggesting radiation or chemo. What will be the results? Could she be cured?

Best answer:

Answer by aussiediver

Can she be cured is the question. It depends on which TYPE of radiation is used. I wouldn’t go for TRADITIONAL radiation. I would use DR. Gil Lederman in New York. http://RSNY.org is his webpage to see what he does, he specialises in this. I went to him for two months. He’s fantastic. He will return your call immediately. 1-212-995-6700 ask for RSNY- Dr. Lederman. It is Cabrini Medical Center in Manhattan.2270East 19th Street. Don’t be decieved that it looks like an old run down hospital because it’s New York. Once you get inside and see the updated equipment, you will be very extremely impressed with this hospital.

Also there is a special LUNG HOSPITAL if you google “lung cancer”, you will find this. or ‘lung cancer hospital’. They even do lung transplants now there. I spoke to a personal representative immediately on line, she recommended a lot of stuff to me, but her alternative thing was MD. ANDERSON cancer clinic in texas. THEN if that didn’t work, return to them.

So MD worked so far I suppose. My local doctors are working inconnection with MD Anderson, I go back and forth every three months since last July for comparison check ups. So far, at least all we’ve done this time is it has stopped growing, not illiminating it, but stopped growing, at least. Wow, almost a year, bummer. But this natural stuff, I FEEL it, I feel differently, I can’t wait for the next scans!

http://www.aworldwithoutcancer also is NATURAL way to go
http://healingcanceral naturally.com but slower. Get her the treatments FIRST, then get started on these natural stuff ok?
LYMPH NODES is serious, that means that it has spread to the blood stream and is in the REST OF THE BODY. She MUST have Chemotherapy to get those out IMMEDIATELY. Then the radiation probably is how they will do it.

Best wishes. Get her started on this natural stuff soon as posssible too. My doctor doesn’t care that I am on it. He says philophsy is — ” If you THINK it is working, it MAY help you get better”, because it is POSITIVE thinking and he much much believes a cancer patient NEEDS positive thinking. But if a cancer patient doesn’t think that a certain treatment he is on will work, there is a very good chance that it won’t work. Because of the negative thinking too. What a weird reaction we can have on our own bodies huh? But it’s true. My brother in law just died of bladder cancer, he didn’t beleive his chemotheraphy or ANY treatments would work on him, he was TOTALLY negative during the year and a half of all his treatments, etc. I could see the difference. Sometimes things would excell to be really good, then he would say, “It’s just a fluke”, then it would go bad again. So keep her positive. DON’T LET PEOPLE SAY, ‘I’m Sorry” to her. Because she already IS. Those words HURT to us. Instead say — I have heard of your situation and HOPE THINGS WILL IMPROVE or something like that. In other words — tell them to be positive to her when people visit, do not say negative things like — I am sorry, that is negative and makes one cry or hurt in heart — ok? They teach us that in therapy!

again, best wishes. It’s going to be a LONG hard time ahead. Especially for the care-giver. That person will need help too. so when people ASK -:what can I do? LET THEM HELP. Let them do a “chemo” day with her. LET THEM babysit half a day with her when the time comes, etc OK? It will help her spirits too, EVEN IF SHE SLEEPS through it. She will wake now and then! I spent my time in a huge easy chair in the den or on our couch and my friends and family just surrounded me during the day and literally baby sat me through it and still do. It is amazing how that lifts your spirit.

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