Life Expectancy after Mesothelioma Chemotherapy

Life Expectancy after Mesothelioma Chemotherapy

Article by Agatha Simona

Chemotherapy so far, is the only treatment to improve the survival rate expectancy for mesothelioma patients. This therapy has shown significant improvement from a life expectancy of 10 months to a little over 13 months. If pleural effusion is suspected, then confirmation needs to be established with a chest x-ray. Ultrasound is also helpful in locating small amounts or collections of isolated pockets of fluid. Chest CT is also used and is very helpful in distinguishing between parenchymal and pleural disease. Chest CT will help to show pleural thickening, pleural based mass, loculecollections of fluid, or pleural calcification.Chemotherapy along with other aggressive treatments and surgeries is showing remarkable results.Mesothelioma Detection and PrognosisDiagnosis of malignant mesothelioma can be detected with a chest X-ray and CT scan, and can be confirmed with a biopsy and microscopic exam. Patients can undergo various aggressive treatments to extend their life-span and comfort. Despite extensive research, experiments and treatments, the disease is not curable and the life expectancy after mesothelioma chemotherapy for patients is very poor.Symptoms of mesothelioma include:Fluid between the lung and chest wallPain in the chest areaWeight lossAnemiaWheezing and shortness of breathConstant fatiguePain in the abdomenIncreased Mortality Rate among Mesothelioma PatientsMesothelioma is usually not detected until the latest stages because patients do not show immediate signs of mesothelioma. Also, the symptoms of mesothelioma are very common and often get misdiagnosed for less severe conditions. The presence of fluid is usually not detected by a routine checkup because the amount of fluids is usually very small. However, when certain disorders happen, the pleural fluid increases and may buildup causing pulmonary symptoms and signs. Once the buildup of fluid occurs, a diagnosis is required.As a result, mesothelioma treatment is delayed resulting in a poor prognosis for patients. Once the cancer has spread and reached stage three or four, treatment options decreases and the disease becomes more difficult to treat. Treatments including surgery is no longer an option and may not be effective during this critical stage increasing mortality rate among mesothelioma patients.Stages of Mesothelioma CancerMesothelioma is addressed in four stages. Stages three and four limits the options available for treatment and treatments is also less effective at this point. In addition to the different stages of mesothelioma, other factors that may affect the prognosis include:Age of patientWhen the cancer was detectedTreatment receivedType of mesotheliomaThe location and size of the tumorOther health-related illnessesWhether or not the patient is a smokerPatient’s dietChemotherapy is improving the life expectancy of mesothelioma sufferers. This is wonderful news for mesothelioma patients and their families.

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Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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Article by Amazon Health And Medical Tourism Pvt.Ltd

Cancer is the name given to a large group of diseases, all of which have one thing in common: cells that are growing out of control. Normally, the cells that make up all of the parts of our bodies go through a predictable life cycle — old cells die, and new cells arise to take their place. Occasionally, this process goes away, and cells begin to multiply out of control. The end result is a mass of cells, called a tumor. A benign tumor is one that does not spread, or metastasize to other parts of the body. It is considered non cancerous. A malignant tumor, on the other hand, can spread throughout the body and is considered cancerous. When malignant cells break away from the primary tumor and settle into another part of the body, the resulting new tumor is called either a metastasis or a secondary tumor.

Amazon provides patients with extensive information on cancer treatments as the aim of Amazon is to cure the patient and save life through cancer treatment.

The treatment of each Amazon patient is designed to suit an individual and depends on the age of the patient, stage and type of disease. There may be only one treatment or combination of treatments Surgery, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy.

There are several major types of cancers: carcinomas form in the cells that cover the skin or line the mouth, throat, lungs and organs; sarcomas are found in the bones, muscles, fibrous tissues and some organs; leukemia is found in the blood, the bone marrow, and the spleen; and lymphomas are found in the lymphatic system.Cancer often takes many years to develop. The process typically begins with some disruption to the DNA of a cell, the genetic code that directs the life of the cell. There can be many reasons for disruptions, such as diet, tobacco, sun exposure, reproductive history or certain chemicals. Some cells will enter a precancerous phase, known as dysphasia. Some cells will progress further to the state of carcinoma in situ, in which the cancer cells are restricted to a microscopic site, surrounded by a thick covering and do not pose a great threat.

Eventually, unless the body’s own immune system takes care of the wayward cells, a cancer will develop. It may take as long as 30 years for a tumor to go through the entire process and become large enough to produce symptoms.

Since cancer can arise from such a wide variety of sites and develop with many differing patterns of spread, there are no clear-cut symptoms. Cancer is unlike many more specific diseases such as heart disease or arthritic disease. The precise nature of symptoms of cancer depends not only on primary site but specifically where the tumor is located in an organ, rate of development and also secondary spread is present or not.

There are four main modalities of treatment: Surgery, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, hormone therapy and Immunotherapy.

About the Author

ABOUT US:Amazon Health and Medical Tourism Pvt.Ltd is one of the best medical tourism services providing company located in Mumbai, India that is well approved and its services highly appreciated. Company offers lucrative and affordable tour and medical treatment facilities to overseas patients. With the expertise to provide best of Medical Health care facilities at the right time and right cost that what separated AHMT from othersAmazon Health & Medical Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (AHMTPL) as a group is present in African Continent & few other countries for more than 5 years.

Our Team has in-depth knowledge about the Services and Branches of medicine provided by Corporate Hospitals and specialized centers of Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Infertility Treatment Centers, Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery and Holistic centers of Ayurveda and Exotic Spas.

AHMTPL is now also the first ‘Medical Tourism’ Company to have joint hands with Insurance Companies to be their extended hand & represent them in India to take care of their valuable clients — due to their proven Expertise & Goodwill of the Company.

Now we have established our Operational offices for our existing business in all the above countries. In all we have 17 offices in African Continent, UAE, Saudi Arabia & other countries. In some countries like Ethiopia & Kenya we have 2 -3 offices due to high requirements.

For further information on cancer treatment in India please visit our website

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For how long have people known about lung cancer?

Question by Adam C: For how long have people known about lung cancer?
If someone came to a doctor in the early nineteenth century with blatant symptoms of lung cancer, would they have recognised it? When did doctors discover lung cancer and how to treat it, if they could treat it at all?

Best answer:

Answer by Jayaraman
In nineteenth century the Disease cancer itself was not known much. In the early 20th century only the cancer came to limelight and different cancers were detected during this century. People and doctors were thinking Lung Cancer as T.B. only. When T.B.deaths were more in mid 20th century scientists and doctors doubted about Lung cancer. It was originally suspected a very strong association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer has been consistently observed in studies done since the early 1950s.

Elaborate researches and treatment methods were made in the later part of 20th century.-

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Q&A: How many stages of lung cancer are there?

Question by A-dawgg.: How many stages of lung cancer are there?
I just found out my grandpa has stage 3 lung cancer. how many more stages is there?

Best answer:

Answer by A
NSCLC are assigned a stage from I to IV in order of severity:

•In stage I, the cancer is confined to the lung.

•In stages II and III, the cancer is confined to the chest (with larger and more invasive tumors classified as stage III).

•Stage IV cancer has spread from the chest to other parts of the body.
SCLC are staged using a two-tiered system:

•Limited-stage (LS) SCLC refers to cancer that is confined to its area of origin in the chest.

•In extensive-stage (ES) SCLC, the cancer has spread beyond the chest to other parts of the body.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Legal Options & Rights for Mesothelioma Patients

Legal Options & Rights for Mesothelioma Patients

Article by Agatha Simona

Many Americans are diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer every year. The overwhelming amount of cases is due to wrongdoing on the part of asbestos manufacturers and those that made profits from its use. Citizens that have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer must know the legal options and rights for Mesothelioma patients. Of late, Mesothelioma cancer lawsuits have helped many with monetary compensation to assist with the high medical cost associated with the illness, lost revenue and punitive damages.Bases for Mesothelioma LawsuitsMesothelioma cancer, which only known cause is asbestos exposure, is caused by the abhorrent behavior of corporations and firms that manufactured asbestos containing products and knew of the risks of asbestos exposure. However, these entities decided to ignore this fact and keep it from their employees. They also hid this fact from the public. It is has been establish in U.S. courts that manufactures of asbestos containing products knew of the dangers of the substance since the early part of the last century.Mesothelioma Historic Legal FactsIn the 1930s and 1940s, researchers and doctors recorded the fact that asbestos exposure lead to lung disease and deadly cancers. After asbestos manufactures became aware of this, many chose not to stop using the material due to the profits involved with asbestos materials. Mesothelioma lawsuits exist now because of this historic legal fact. They are justice for the dishonest deeds of asbestos producers and they insure that these culprits are held accountable for the suffering of Mesothelioma cancer victims.Mesothelioma Victim’s Right to CompensationThe majority of those diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer have the legal the right to seek compensation by filing a Mesothelioma lawsuit. Filing a Mesothelioma lawsuit against a corporation that caused the asbestos exposure can get them compensation in these areas:Medical costsPain and sufferingLost incomeDamagesMesothelioma Attorneys Know Victim’s Legal RightsA Mesothelioma attorney can look into many expenses that maybe covered under a Mesothelioma lawsuit. It is very important that Mesothelioma cancer sufferers keep medical and financial records, which concern the cancer because of this. Presenting these records the attorneys and answering questions should be the only thing a victim needs to do. A proper Mesothelioma attorney will be able to handle everything else.Importance of a Mesothelioma AttorneyIn order to be fully aware of the Legal Options and Rights for Mesothelioma Patients they must retain and stay in contact with a Mesothelioma lawsuit attorney and take heed to his or her instructions and advice. They are the experts in this field. To understand the legal rights and options related to a Mesothelioma lawsuit find a law firm that specializes in these lawsuits today.

About the Author

Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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Mesothelioma cancer Lawyers

Mesothelioma cancer Lawyers

Article by Bailwey Klereberg

If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma and find yourself having made the decision to employ a mesothelioma lawyer, ensure that you take this decision very seriously. It is crucial that you simply do your research and seek out the best and most experienced mesothelioma lawyer and not simply the main one with the flashiest advertising.

It is very important to find a lawyer which has years of experience and positive jury verdicts for mesothelioma cases. When hiring a mesothelioma lawyer you should find someone who you can trust and whom you feel has your best interest his or her main concern.

Disregard the hype, the sales hype, the glitzy offices, the fancy advertising, and the pressure to sign now; and go for the expertise of an experienced mesothelioma attorney when seeking counsel to handle your case. Litigating mesothelioma is tough therefore, through an experienced attorney with you is of utmost importance… using the key being on “experienced”.

When interviewing a mesothelioma lawyer it is crucial that you ask questions such as the number of mesothelioma cases have they handled; again this talks to the significance of finding a skilled attorney to work for you.

You will also want to know the number of mesothelioma cases the lawyer has settled and on the average just how long did it decide to try settle the claim. If at all possible you will want to avoid a jury trial, simply within the interest of time and stress.

Mesothelioma is definitely an aggressive cancer and something that there isn’t any known cure. Time is meant to be spent together with your loved ones and never inside a protracted court battle. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help to move the procedure forward in a concise and well considered manner. When interviewing a mesothelioma lawyer, inquire if they will pass your file onto another firm. The lawyer you interview may not even be the lawyer that eventually ends up working on your case. Ask the questions and expect satisfactory answers!

Also ask how many attorneys will be caring for your file and how long have those attorneys been practicing law. Don’t forget this isn’t the time for inexperience and also you deserve to know who definitely are caring for your lawsuit. You will also need to know if there has been any grievances filed from the mesothelioma lawyer you interview. Ethical and moral practices ought to be an expectation.

Another helpful question could be; what’s the average compensation for a mesothelioma case the lawyer has won?

Also, focusing on the less stressful route and also the most expeditious route, make sure to ask about the chances for settling beyond court versus having to go to court and attempting to win a jury verdict. Take time to ask these a quick question in your initial meeting with the mesothelioma lawyer.

Do not take short cuts.

Doing the hard work on the leading end will make this type of difference for you and your loved ones. Another key piece of advice would be to avoid coming to a final decisions and steer clear of signing any legal agreement based on the first ending up in a perspective mesothelioma lawyer. You should have a few days to think over the results of the job interview and should always interview more than one attorney prior to making a decision.

Yes, time is important which is your responsibility to have your lawsuit handled by a lawyer who understands the complexness of asbestos claims. Experience really does count.

Asbestos claims are often very complex and proving the hyperlink between your illness and your exposure to asbestos can be quite difficult and often time consuming. The guidance of the experienced mesothelioma lawyer is critical to helping you and your loved ones as you seek and receive financial compensation for being diagnosed with mesothelioma related to asbestos exposure.

Experienced attorneys in this field realize that each case differs and deserves individual attention, and can pursue your lawsuit with experience and knowledge of mesothelioma and the asbestos industry.

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For More Info Regarding mesothelioma And mesothelioma lawyer, Please Let me Know

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How much/long do you have to smoke to get lung cancer?

Question by Rol: How much/long do you have to smoke to get lung cancer?
Smoking causes lung cancer, that i know.. At what point does it kill you, depending on how much your a smoker

Best answer:

Answer by Angela Durrell
My grandmother never smoked a day in her life and she died of it. My husbands grandmother still smokes and she’s 70 plus years old. I know this doesn’t give you a concrete answer but I don’t think there is one. I mean you can’t smoke “safely” for 2 years and not get it or you can’t say I’ve been smoking for 10 years so why stop I’ll get it anyway.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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Q&A: what is the survival rate for stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the bone?

Question by nicole c: what is the survival rate for stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the bone?
63 yr old male has stage 3 lung cancer after surgery lungs are clear but metastasis noted in bone in pelvic region. now person is noted as stage 4 lung cancer given about 3 months to live, is this true?

Best answer:

Answer by Tia H
It’s accurate my Cousin has stage 4 Lung Cancer and he wasn’t given long to live at all. It also has spread to his liver. Of course there is always chance of remission. Or, the process can be slowed down by treatment. But 9 times out of 10 it’s around that area.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Your Guide To Mesothelioma Treatments That Work

Your Guide To Mesothelioma Treatments That Work

Article by Sagbee C

As employees, trusting the company you work for is an essential. This is because these companies pay you for the work you do for them. Most of the time, the money you earn from working is what brings food to the table. This is what will make you feel more confident and secured.

But what if the company you are working for is actually neglecting your safety and your overall health? Companies who exposed their workers to airborne asbestos fibers actually know the ill effects it can do to their employee

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Liver Cancer treatment india at low price

Liver Cancer treatment india at low price

Article by Pankaj Nagpal

Liver Cancer treatment india at low price

Primary liver cancer begins in the cells of the liver itself. Although many cancers are declining in the United States, new cases of primary liver cancer are increasing.

Cancers that commonly spread to the liver include colon, lung and breast cancers. These cancers aren’t called liver cancer. Instead, they are named after the organ in which the cancer began – such as metastatic colon cancer to describe cancer that begins in the colon and spreads to the liver. These metastatic cancers are treated based on where the cancer began, rather than being treated as primary liver cancers.

Primary liver cancer is rarely discovered early and often doesn’t respond to current treatments – thus, the prognosis is often poor. Even when treatments fail to provide much improvement in the liver cancer itself, pain and other signs and symptoms caused by liver cancer can be aggressively treated to improve quality of life. But the most important news about primary liver cancer is that you can greatly reduce your risk by protecting yourself from hepatitis infection and cirrhosis, the leading causes of the disease.

Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Most people don’t have signs and symptoms in the early stages of liver cancer, which means the disease may not be detected until it’s quite advanced. When symptoms do appear, they may include some or all of the following : –

• Loss of appetite and weight• Abdominal pain, especially in the upper right part of your abdomen, that may extend into your back and shoulder• Nausea and vomiting• General weakness and fatigue• An enlarged liver• Abdominal swelling (ascites)• A yellow discoloration of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice)

Causes of Liver Cancer

Your liver is a football-sized organ that sits in the upper right portion of your abdomen, beneath your diaphragm and above your stomach. Your liver processes most of the nutrients absorbed from your small intestine and determines how much sugar (glucose), protein and fat enter your bloodstream. It also manufactures blood-clotting substances and certain proteins. Your liver performs a vital detoxifying function by removing drugs, alcohol and other harmful substances from your bloodstream.

Liver cancer occurs when liver cells begin to grow abnormally. It’s not completely understood why this happens, but researchers believe that cancer starts with damage to DNA – the material that contains the instructions for every chemical process in your body, including the rate of cellular growth. DNA damage causes changes in these instructions. One result is that cells may begin to grow out of control and eventually form a tumor – a mass of malignant cells.

Primary liver cancer : –

Primary liver cancer is divided into several types based on the type of cells that become cancerous Types include : –

• Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) : – This is the most common form of primary liver cancer in both children and adults. It starts in the hepatocytes, the main type of liver cell.

• Cholangiocarcinoma : – This type of cancer begins in the small tube-like bile ducts within the liver. This type of cancer is sometimes called bile duct cancer.

• Hepatoblastoma : – This rare type of liver cancer affects children younger than 4 years of age. Most children with hepatoblastoma can be successfully treated.

• Angiosarcoma or hemangiosarcoma : – These rare cancers begin in the blood vessels of the liver and grow very quickly.

Metastatic cancer : –

In the United States, most cancer found in the liver has spread there from another part of the body. Rather than being referred to as liver cancer, this type of cancer is usually named after the organ where it originated and is described as “metastatic.” For instance, cancer that has spread to the liver from the colon is referred to as metastatic colon cancer.

Metastatic cancers form when malignant cells detach from the primary cancer and travel through the body in the circulatory or lymphatic system. Cancers that begin in certain organs near the liver, such as the pancreas, can spread directly to the liver. Most metastatic cancers reach the liver through the bloodstream. Why the liver is so commonly affected by metastatic cancer isn’t clear. One reason may be the liver’s rich blood supply.

Risk factors of Liver Cancer

Primary liver cancer can affect people of all ages and races, but certain factors may increase your risk, including : –

• Sex : – Men are more likely to develop liver cancer than are women, though it isn’t clear why.

• Age : – In the United States and Europe, liver cancer diagnosis occurs on average at about age 60. People in Asia and Africa tend to be diagnosed with liver cancer at younger ages – between 20 and 50.

• Chronic infection with HBV or HCV : – Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) is by far the most important risk factor for liver cancer.

• Cirrhosis : – This progressive and irreversible condition causes scar tissue to form in your liver and increases your chances of developing liver cancer.

• Diabetes : – People with this blood sugar disorder have a greater risk of liver cancer than do people who don’t have diabetes. Having both diabetes and hepatitis C infection increases the risk even more.

• Exposure to aflatoxins : – Consuming foods contaminated with fungi that produce aflatoxins greatly increases the risk of liver cancer. Crops such as corn, soybeans and peanuts can become contaminated with aflatoxins.

• Excessive alcohol consumption : – Consuming more than a moderate amount of alcohol can lead to irreversible liver damage and increase your risk of liver cancer. Moderate consumption is defined as no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink for women. A drink is one 4- to 5-ounce glass of wine, 12 ounces of beer or a 1.5-ounce shot of 80-proof distilled spirits.

• Smoking : – Smoking tobacco of any kind makes it more likely that you’ll develop liver cancer.

• Bile duct disease : – A disease called primary sclerosing cholangitis can cause inflammation and scarring of the liver’s bile ducts. This increases your risk of bile duct cancer.

Tests and diagnosis of Liver Cancer

Screening : –

Screening for liver cancer hasn’t been definitively proved to reduce the risk of dying of liver cancer. For this reason, many medical groups don’t recommend liver cancer screening.

However, the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases recommends liver cancer screening for those thought to have a high risk. including people who have : –

• Hepatitis B and one or more of the following: Are an Asian male older than 40, Asian female older than 50 or African and older than 20, have liver cirrhosis, or have a family history of liver cancer• Liver cirrhosis from alcohol use• Hepatitis C• An inherited form of hemochromatosis• Primary sclerosing cholangitis

Discuss the pros and cons of screening with your doctor. Together you can decide whether screening is right for you based on your risk. Screening typically involves blood tests and an ultrasound exam once or twice each year.

Diagnosis : –

If you experience any of the symptoms of liver cancer, your doctor will ask you about your medical history and perform a physical exam.Tests and procedures used to diagnose liver cancer include : –

• Ultrasound (ultrasonography) : – This test uses sound waves to produce a picture of internal organs, including the liver. Ultrasound is painless and usually takes less than 30 minutes. While you lie on a bed or examining table, a wand-shaped device (transducer) is placed on your body. It emits sound waves that are reflected from your liver and transformed into a computer image. Ultrasound provides information about the shape, texture and makeup of tumors.

• Computerized tomography (CT) scan : – This test uses X-rays to produce cross-sectional images of your body. You may also have a variation of the test – known as a CT angiogram – in which contrast dye is injected into an artery in your liver. X-rays then track the dye as it flows through the blood vessels in your liver. A CT angiogram, which may take up to an hour to perform, can provide detailed information on the number and location of liver tumors, but a CT scan exposes you to more radiation than conventional X-rays do, and some people may experience an allergic reaction to the contrast dye.

• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) : – MRI creates images using a magnetic field and radio waves. Sometimes a contrast dye also may be used. The test can take from 15 minutes to an hour. Newer MRIs can show images of the ducts that transport bile from the liver to the upper part of the small intestine (duodenum) as well as of the arteries and veins within the liver.

• Liver biopsy : – In this procedure, a sample of tissue is removed from your liver and examined under a microscope. Liver biopsy is considered the only definitive way to diagnose liver cancer. Your doctor may use a thin needle or a lighted instrument (laparoscope) to obtain the sample. Biopsy carries a risk of bleeding, bruising and infection.

• Blood tests : – Doctors sometimes use a blood test that checks for the presence of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) – a type of protein found in small amounts in adults – to detect liver cancer. But the test isn’t perfect. Not all malignant liver tumors produce AFP, and those that do may be advanced by the time protein levels become elevated. In addition, other types of cancer and even some noncancerous liver diseases can raise AFP levels.

Staging : –

Staging tests help determine the size and location of cancer and whether it has spread. Liver cancer may be staged in different ways. One method uses the Roman numerals I through IV, with higher numbers indicating cancers that are more advanced. A stage I tumor is small and confined to one lobe of the liver. By stage IV, several tumors may exist in different lobes, or malignant cells may have spread to other parts of the body. Doctors may also use the following stages to describe primary liver cancer in adults : –

• Localized resectable : – At this stage, the tumor is confined to one lobe of your liver and can be completely removed in an operation. The term “resectable” refers to a tumor that can be surgically removed.

• Localized unresectable : -The cancer is found in only one part of your liver, but can’t be completely removed, either because the noncancerous portion of your liver isn’t healthy or because the cancer is located near your liver’s main arteries, veins and bile ducts.

• Advanced : – This stage of cancer has spread throughout the liver or to other parts of your body, particularly the bones or lungs. You’re more likely to have advanced cancer if you also have cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis.

• Recurrent : – This means the cancer has returned to your liver or to another part of your body after being treated.

Stages of primary cancer in children : – Doctors use the following stages to describe childhood liver cancer : –

• Stage I. At this stage, the cancer can be removed with surgery.• Stage II. Most stage II liver cancers can be removed with an operation, but microscopic amounts of cancer remain in the liver after surgery.• Stage III. At this stage, some of the cancer may be surgically removed, but some will remain in the lymph nodes or abdomen.• Stage IV. This stage of cancer has spread to other parts of the body.• Recurrent. This means the cancer has returned after it has been treated. It may recur in the liver or in another part of the body.

Treatments of Liver Cancer

Treatments for primary liver cancer depend on the extent (stage) of the disease as well as your age, overall health, feelings and personal preferences. Discuss all of your options carefully with your treatment team.

The goal of any treatment is to eliminate the cancer completely. When that isn’t possible, the focus may be on preventing the tumor from growing or spreading. In some cases palliative care only is appropriate. Palliative care refers to treatment aimed not at removing or slowing the disease but at helping relieve symptoms and making you as comfortable as possible.

Treatments for primary liver cancer in adults : –

Treatments for adults with primary liver cancer include : –

• Surgery : – The best treatment for localized resectable cancer is usually an operation known as surgical resection. In some cases, the area of the liver where the cancer is found can be completely removed. You aren’t a candidate for surgical removal of liver tumors if you have cirrhosis or only a small amount of healthy liver tissue. Even when resections are successful, there is a chance the cancer can recur elsewhere in the liver or in other areas within a few years.

• Alcohol injection : -In this procedure, pure alcohol is injected directly into tumors, either through the skin or during an operation. Alcohol dries out the cells of the tumor and eventually the cells die. Each treatment consists of one injection, although you may need a series of injections for the best results. Alcohol injection has been shown to improve survival in people with small hepatocellular tumors. It may also be used to help reduce symptoms in cases of metastatic liver cancer. The most common side effect is leaking of alcohol onto the liver or into the abdominal cavity.

• Radiofrequency ablation : – In this procedure, electric current in the radiofrequency range is used to destroy malignant cells. Using an ultrasound or CT scan as a guide, your surgeon inserts several thin needles into small incisions in your abdomen. When the needles reach the tumor, they’re heated with an electric current, destroying the malignant cells. Radiofrequency ablation is an option for people with small, unresectable hepatocellular tumors and for some types of metastatic liver cancers. Although the procedure has a somewhat higher risk of serious complications than alcohol injection does, it appears to provide better outcomes.

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Welcome to World Class Treatment and Surgery by We Care Health Services, India. Contact Us : http://www.indiahospital || E-mail us on : || Contact Center Tel. :(+91) 9029304141. The surgery and medical treatments offered by We Care Health Services at JCI Accredited / ISO Certified Hospitals are vast and varied; ranging from Heart Surgery in India, Cardiology to Cardio Thoracic surgery, Total Knee / Hip / Ankle / Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery in India including ACL reconstruction Surgery to Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India , Spine Surgery in India like Discectomy / Laminectomy Surgery, Cervical Decompression to Anterior / Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in India, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer surgery, Sterotactic Radiotherapy, Autologous / Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery to Breast Cancer treatments, Near relative Kidney Transplant Surgery to Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy, Low Cost Liver Transplants Surgery, Hysterectomy (Vaginal / Abdominal) to Ovarian Cystectomy, Hernia repair Surgery to Cholecystectomy, Advanced Neurosurgery in India, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, Eye Surgery in India, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery to LASIK Eye care Surgery, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor to Surrogacy, Minimally Invasive surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery to Cochlear Implants, Breast Lift / Tummy Tuck, Face Lift to Low Cost Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery, multi specialty Hospitals in India offering first world treatments with board certified highly qualified medical consultants in attendance at third world prices..

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